I am writng a custom script
The code is very basic by default so I would like to provide the users with more helpful advise..
Coud anyone please tell me if we can add html or url into the script above?
I want a link to our faq and link to webmail etc..
Thank you
I am writng a custom script
cat << EOF | /usr/local/libexec/dovecot/dovecot-lda -d $USER -o "plugin/quota=maildir:User quota:noenforcing"
From: no-reply@mydoamin.co.uk
BCC: alert@mydomain.co.uk
Subject: Mailbox Quota Warning: ${PERCENT}% Full, ${USER}.
Your mailbox is now $PERCENT% full.
You should delete some messages from the server.
WARNING: Do not ignore this message as if your mailbox reaches 100% of quota, new mail will be rejected.
Coud anyone please tell me if we can add html or url into the script above?
I want a link to our faq and link to webmail etc..
Thank you