Quarterly arm64 packages, 3Q2024

My 'homelab' includes an rpi4 running 14.1-Release, using quarterly packages. Normally there's a pretty steady flow of package updates and big flurry of updates a week or so after the start of each quarter, as you'd expect.

pkg upgrade hasn't shown any updates at all for a while (the newest file in /var/cache/pkg in any of my jails is July 3rd). Checking the package status site & filtering for 140arm64 shows a quarterly build for that started on July 11th and has made no progress for days, and a default build that started July 19th and is going OK.

Am I doing something wrong or is there a known problem with arm64 package builds taking a really long time?
  • ampere1 for140arm64-quarterly (87 hours elapsed)
  • ampere3 for 140arm64-default (42 hours elapsed).
None of the ampere servers are mentioned in package infrastructure report 270565.

Maybe the durations are to be expected.

Four of the thirteen jobs on ampere3:
  • mail/thunderbird
  • www/chromium
  • www/iridium
  • www/ungoogled-chromium
– Thunderbird's not quick, the other three are always a drag.


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Yes, it's kind of normal for the amperes to take ~140 hours for such builds, but 87 hours elapsed on a build that started ten days ago must mean something is wrong, and surely it's been overlooked somehow.

It's disappointing that not even you know of ampere server docs! Thanks for looking.
For comparison, recently completed builds of www/chromium and www/ungoogled-chromium on beefy18 (installed in 2019 … borderline):


  • more than thirty hours each.
A broader view, 2023-12 to date,


Amongst the results:
  • main-amd64 on beefy18 started more than six weeks ago, less than thirty-five hours elapsed, www/py-strawberry-graphql-django started on 7th June, its status is starting
  • 140arm64-quarterly on ampere1, databases/postgresql-odbc started on 15th July, the most recently logged line is checking uchar.h usability...


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