Proper way to install non-Ports software like e.g. SquidAnalyzer

Recently I've installed SquidAnalyzer 5.2 from: as I could not find it in the Ports tree.

After downloading of the sources I've issued the following command sequence:
perl Makefile.PL INSTALLDIRS=site
make install

Somehow SquidAnalyzer got at least partly registered by the package database:
[root@freebsd ~]# portmaster -l | grep bsdpan
===>>> bsdpan-SquidAnalyzer-5.2
===>>> bsdpan-Text-Iconv-1.7
[root@freebsd ~]# portversion -v |grep bsdpan
bsdpan-SquidAnalyzer-5.2    #  [held] error - origin not recorded; run pkgdb -F 
bsdpan-Text-Iconv-1.7       =  [held] up-to-date with port
[root@freebsd ~]# pkg_version -vIL=
bsdpan-SquidAnalyzer-5.2            !   Comparison failed
The recommended pkgdb -F and pkgdb -f -F does not remove the displayed portversion and pkg_version error.

As a FreeBSD beginner I have the following questions:
  1. What does bsdpan mean? Is this restricted to Perl modules?
  2. Do I have to worry about the portversion and pkg_version errors? If yes: how can I get rid of them?
  3. Is bsdpan-Text-Iconv-1.7 properly installed? If not: how can I do so?
  4. I have no idea how I got the bsdpan-Text-Iconv-1.7 package installed. Can I check, which port might have installed it due to dependencies?
  5. I suppose port converters/p5-Text-Icon corresponds to bsdpan-Text-Iconv-1.7. Should I better install the corresponding port?
  6. What is the proper way of installing a non-Ports Perl module under FreeBSD? Should I use ppm install Your::Module::Name or better cpan install Your::Module::Name?
  7. What is the right way to install a non-Ports and non-Perl-module software? Is the usual configure and make install sequence right?

I am aware that my questions are covering a wide range. And I am aware that SquidAnalyser is somewhat tricky because it does not only install a Perl module. I hope they are as precise as possible in order an experienced FreeBSD user can briefly answer them. It would help me a huge step forward in understanding the Ports concept of FreeBSD.

Thanks in advance.
