ProFTPd install help

Did the following:

cd /usr/ports/ftp/proftpd/
make install clean

It worked fine. I then copied the rc file and the conf file to /etc from /usr/local/etc and make the appropriate changes.

cp /usr/local/etc/rc.d/proftpd /etc/rc.d
cp /usr/local/etc/proftpd.conf /etc
(I like them there)

I then altered my /etc/rc.conf:

# Services
proftpd_flags="<set as needed>"

Then I try to start Proftpd:

[root@BSD]/etc/rc.d-> ./proftpd start
Starting proftpd.
eval: 1: Syntax error: end of file unexpected

Figuring I might have made an error while copying, I try to run the original in /usr/local/etc/rc.d:

[root@BSD]/usr/local/etc/rc.d-> ./proftpd start
Starting proftpd.
eval: 1: Syntax error: end of file unexpected

Any ideas? I know it says "EOF unexpected", but I don't even know what file it's talking about!
fullauto said:
Did the following:

cd /usr/ports/ftp/proftpd/
make install clean

It worked fine. I then copied the rc file and the conf file to /etc from /usr/local/etc and make the appropriate changes.

That's a mistake. On FreeBSD, /etc is for system stuff. /usr/local/etc is for added applications, ports or packages. Most keep their config files there or in a subdirectory of it.
Those in /etc and /etc/rc.d are just copies. I get the same result when I run the originals in /usr/local/etc.

[root@BSD]/etc/rc.d-> cd /usr/local/etc
[root@BSD]/usr/local/etc-> ls
ConsoleKit              devd                    man.d                   proftpd.conf
PolicyKit               fonts                   pam.d                   proftpd.conf.sample
bash_completion.d       gnome.subr              polkit-1                rc.d
dbus-1                  hal                     profile.d     
[root@BSD]/usr/local/etc-> cd rc.d
[root@BSD]/usr/local/etc/rc.d-> ls
dbus    hald    proftpd
[root@BSD]/usr/local/etc/rc.d-> ./proftpd start
Starting proftpd.
eval: 1: Syntax error: end of file unexpected

Thanks for the help man. I'm pulling my hair out at this point. But, the fact remains. I get the same result.
Don't copy the application files. It's not necessary and only confuses the issue. A port will install at least sample config files. You may have to copy a sample config file and edit it, but should not need to edit the shell scripts it installs. Using service(8) to start, restart, or stop services helps.
Does anyone know what file it's talking about? The error gives no indication of what file.
It's doing an eval of something. I would guess it's trying to evaluate the /usr/local/etc/proftpd.conf file or your /etc/rc.conf file and you missed a quote somewhere. Based on your earlier post, I would guess it's the /usr/local/etc/proftpd.conf file. Care to post what you have in there, or at least double check that all quotes, brackets, parenthesis have a matching pair.
I got it!
Seriously. Thanks to all who helped!

As it turns out, it wasn't a problem with me moving the rc and conf files, so long as I edited the rc file to point to /etc instead of /usr/local/etc. But, the rc.conf file had a line in it:
proftpd_flags="<set as needed>"

I commented that line out, and it came up fine. Also I had to enter some info in my /etc/hosts file.

I don't know what proftpd_flags are, and will set them up if needed in the future.

I do, however, need a recommendation of reading: :\
I don't know how to set up my /usr/local/etc/proftpd.conf file.
I need a configuration file that is as follows.
I have /Home/FTP_ROOT which I would like to use as my home directory and would like the following directories in that. /bin, /pub, /upload, /usr. I would like everyone to be jailed into /FTP_ROOT. But, would like regular users to get /(user-name) in addition to the regular files.

Recommendations? :)