Problems building cmake

As reported in PR 224030 devel/cmake fails to build because some incarnation of /usr/local/bin/sphinx-build is expected. The file is available, but the name differs from the expectation. Changing the default python version or so does not help. The most simple temporary work around is to disable the man pages in the port options. Then devel/cmake builds with success. Happy building :beer::)!
I ran into a similar problem with a recent update to devel/cmake running my usual portmaster -Rad. textproc/py-sphinx would error with a

 py27-sphinx-1.4.8_2,1 is already installed
      You may wish to ``make deinstall'' and install this port again
      by ``make reinstall'' to upgrade it properly.

Doing a cd /usr/ports/textproc/py-sphinx and make deinstall then portmaster -Rad works fine, but just leaves the problem for the next update. However, your suggestion, cd /usr/ports/devel/cmake followed by make config and deselecting the man page then cd /usr/ports/textproc/py-sphinx, make deinstall, portmaster -Rad works reliably.
Same problem:
===>>> cmake-3.10.1_1 >> textproc/py-sphinx (1/1)

===>  Installing for py27-sphinx-1.4.8_2,1
===>   Registering installation for py27-sphinx-1.4.8_2,1 as automatic
*** Error code 70



make: stopped in /usr/ports/textproc/py-sphinx

make: stopped in /usr/ports/devel/scons

===>>> Installation of scons-3.0.1 (devel/scons) failed
===>>> Aborting update

===>>> You can restart from the point of failure with this command line:
       portmaster <flags> devel/scons

Seems a bug.
But in the moment somethings wrong with ports-mgmt/portmaster (I have already mailed the maintainer):
Version should be 3.18_8. Makefile shows 3.18_7 and portmaster --version shows 3.18_6 (seems the last update has the wrong source on the server).

My devel/cmake Makefile (synced yesterday) still shows
MANPAGES_BUILD_DEPENDS= sphinx-build:textproc/py-sphinx

The following is related to your solution, but perhaps should be a different thread:
The (PY_FLAVOR) reference above suggests that specifying a python flavor would be appropriate. I haven't found any advice sufficiently clear for me to understand if this is possible yet with portmaster. Somewhat naively, I'd assume that there is a mechanism for specifying flavors in /etc/make.conf, but clear guidance is short and the latest /usr/ports/UPGRADING entries have been a bit light on advice for " portmaster users." I know it is out of favor, but it works well for me and I'm hoping to avoid major workflow changes before jumping to FreeBSD 11.x (I will before 10.3 is EOL!)

The following may be a completely different issue (though the build errors were the same, hence including it in this thread). If it is, I'll move it to a new thread. But for now:

The quick fix for devel/scons is to cd /usr/ports/devel/scons and make deinstall before starting with a ports rebuild.

Is there a way to force this step in make.conf? For example, something like (and this does not work):

.if ${.CURDIR:M*devel/scons*}
      make deinstall
Agree, I'll use the brute force way around for now: cd /usr/ports/devel/scons && make deinstall && portmaster -Rafd
Overlooked your question. Devel/scons should work if devel/cmake has the two lines in the Makefile.
But if you need something like this:
.if ${.CURDIR:M*/ports/devel/scons*}
        ${PKG_BIN} delete -y scons

use a tab before ${PKG_BIN} no spaces.
I think the conditional removal needs another test to verify the pkg is available. It barfs - would something like ${MAKE_BIN} deinstall work? Seems like robust error handling may be a bit much for a work around like this.