problem with HOME, END, DELETE, BACKSPACE and TAB keys


Is there a general fix to make these keys function naturally?
HOME - go to the start of the current line.
END - go to the end of the current line.
DELETE - remove a character after the cursor.
BACKSPACE - remove a character before the cursor.
TAB - insert a tab character in editor, (try to) autocomplete in shell.

Some of the problems I'm facing:
Home and End keys insert the tilde character (~) in shell and triggers the menu in ee.
Tab inserts tab character in shell.
Backspace also inserts a character inside VIM and LESS.

Thanks in advance.
I think [thread=13950]correcting termcap[/thread] is the way to go.
set the correct TERM variable. If you use PuTTY set TERM to xterm.
PuTTY vs xterm for $TERM

PuTTY's behavior doesn't match xterm.
ncurses has a "putty" terminal description,
which does match the default settings for PuTTY.
itcotbtoemik said:
PuTTY's behavior doesn't match xterm.
Set Home and End keys to rxvt. Everything else can stay default. Works like a charm.
PuTTY vs xterm and rxvt

Actually, all three (PuTTY, xterm and rxvt) have different key bindings.
PuTTY happens to be closer to xterm by default; I see that it has a
selection for home/end keys marked "rxvt", but haven't verified if it
is correct.
This work for me

PuTTY configuration

Set terminal-type string to xterm.



tcsh key bindings

## Del
# Delete key (see FreeBSD FAQ on keyboard and mouse)
bindkey "\e[3~"   delete-char              # xterm

## Home & End
# Home and End keys for XTerm compatible console
bindkey "\e[1~"   beginning-of-line        # xterm
bindkey "\e[4~"   end-of-line              # xterm

In GNU screen (with $TERM set to xterm) the End key in midnight commander does not work (do nothing), it binds to ESC[4~ but does not work.

See also these links:
FreeBSD FAQ - Keyboards and Mice
Consistent BackSpace and Delete Configuration
Making applications recognize your function keys (Delete, HOME, END, etc) is one of the purposes for termcap/terminfo databases. If you need to bind a key (e.g. Home, \e[1~) only in one terminal emulator while others work fine then you're doing it wrong and you'd end up having to make same keybind in every application under such terminal emulator.