Solved resume from sleep power cycle the computer

ouch I just noticed that pressing the power button from suspend just power off the system, is there anyway to change it's status ? thanks!
Try acpi(4)
             Suspend state (S1–S5) to enter when the power button is pressed,
             or “NONE” (do nothing).  Default is S5 (power-off nicely).
thanks, alas this only disables the power button before suspend, when the system is on suspend mode the only way to 'wake' it up is by pressing on the power button, this -again- makes the system to restart, I bet unsupported system for FreeBSD, here I go again.
Instead of disabling the power button, set hw.acpi.power_button_state=S3, or which sleep state you prefer, and is supported by BIOS/UEFI.

Pressing the power button now suspends and resumes. To power down machine execute poweroff(8).

You can still suspend by command and resume by power button.

I assume the machine is not a laptop, right?
thanks, Dell Vostro 3681 i3-10100 , no special mods on suspend/resume, the same behavior even under single mode , so no drivers involved I assume... I am putting it to suspend with 'zzz' or 'acpiconf -s 3'
thanks, Dell Vostro 3681 i3-10100 , no special mods on suspend/resume, the same behavior even under single mode , so no drivers involved I assume...

Thanks. Not familiar with that system in particular or Dell in general.

I am putting it to suspend with 'zzz' or 'acpiconf -s 3'

Are you just dabbing the power button to resume (works on some systems) or holding it down for a while (usually forces shutdown)?
thanks, I will give a last try before to nuke the BSD...

yes , desktop , still no luck, nevermind, going back to Linux

For my experince (almost) anything can be done with FreeBSD, everything can be configured - you just need to figure it out, how. And if there is no direct solution, there always is a workaround.

But FreeBSD does not comes fully automatically self-configuring out of a magic box.
The reason for this is, you cannot have both:
A perfect individually tailored system suits exactly your personal needs for every situation on every machine, and auto-install-auto-config everything.
Of course it's your choice what you want.
But FreeBSD is worth a try - which you may see if you give it a longer shot than 24h.
(I needed two years until I finally switched completely to it, but I am very lazy in learning computer stuff, not that young anymore, and not an example. Many others I see here became good FreeBSD-cracks within a couple of months.)

Don't forget:
Those are people here, real people.
Some of them are real hardcore cracks [not me, of course] who not only have decades of experiences of many kinds of computers, and Unix, knowing fantastic things - really amazing just to read some of their posts, what all can be done with FreeBSD!
And they are willing to share their knowledge with you, and helping you.
But that is not given.
For to help you, you need to be capable of being helped.
That means, you need to do the deed by yourself - or as some say:
Helping you to learn, but not doing the learning for you.
Since FreeBSD is a system needs some learning effort, and only becomes really usable, if you know things aka learned it. And learning needs patience (you already managed your splitted drives /home setup)
Be a bit more patient.
Be a bit more precise with your current problem(s) - what cannot be read, cannot be known, can only be imagined/guessed.

And don't forget, those are real people, doing this for free in their free time, sometimes even thinking hard about your problem, even trying configurations and running some tests to comprehend it themselves.
Those are not some support-monkeys from a big company.


Getting back to your current problem:
Frankly I didn't really understand, what your actual problem with the power-button really is.
I simply use my powerbutton only to switch the machine on.

Since FreeBSD's nature comes from Unix, which as you may already also know, is a server-based multiuser OS.
You don't simply switch off the machine (and kicking everybody stone-cold out), you let it drive down (is this the right term?)
So for switching off under FreeBSD is to use the shutdown(8) command as root:
shutdown -r now (you may also shut it down in xxxx seconds... but that's detail for later.)
There also is some short form for the exact same command poweroff
You may also link this with a button within your windows-mamanger, or desktop environment.

If you're tired to become root everytime, you may add your user (you) to the wheels-group.
Now you (you're user) is capable of bringing the machine down.

If this didn't answered your question, than I'm sorry, I didn't understand you right.
Please come again than.

And don't be discouraged that quickly.
You would miss some great experiences on a really great OS.
I think it is just an issue of resume from sleep not supported on your computer.
It likely panic right when the computer resume from sleep and restart itself.
The title should be renamed to something like: resume from sleep power cycle the computer.
If you look at some threads in this forums, you will see that there can be a variety of reason.

thanks, I ve changed the title, I bet unsupported system for FreeBSD, but no worries.
Thread marked as solved, as nothing to do with this system. thanks again!