Poudriere sucks

Each time running
# poudriere bulk -j 13amd64 -b latest -f bulk_amd64_local

The same packages get downloaded again and again even if you run the same Poudriere command within a few minutes. You probably notice this only when large files get downloaded:

texlive-texmf: 20230313 (1 GiB: 95.27% of the 1 GiB to download)

This is so annoying downloading GigaBytes for waste. Any hints if this is bug or feature?
Surely there's a place to save those distfiles to a cache for re-use between builds. Have you read poudriere(8)? I know I haven't in a while! I would venture to bet there's a non-default flag those allows you to do just that. Perhaps those distfiles don't stick around unless the entire build is successful?
I would call it a lack of a feature. I would use a caching network proxy to get around it, if there is no out-of-the-box solution as alexseitsinger implies.
# If set the given directory will be used for the distfiles
# This allows to share the distfiles between jails and ports tree
# If this is "no", poudriere must be supplied a ports tree that already has
# the required distfiles.
Works just fine. Have 4 different repositories, all put their distfiles in /usr/ports/distfiles and thus only get downloaded once.
Works just fine. Have 4 different repositories, all put their distfiles in /usr/ports/distfiles and thus only get downloaded once.
But this is not about distfiles. It's about option -b branch

# poudriere version

#  poudriere bulk
poudriere bulk [options] [-a|-f file|cat/port ...]

    -a          -- Build the whole ports tree
    -f file     -- Get the list of ports to build from a file
    [ports...]  -- List of ports to build on the command line

    -B name     -- What buildname to use (must be unique, defaults to
                   YYYY-MM-DD_HH:MM:SS). Resuming a previous build will not
                   retry built/failed/skipped/ignored packages.
    -b branch   -- Branch to choose for fetching packages from official
                   repositories: valid options are: latest, quarterly,
                   release_*, or a url.

Right. Note that it's still an experimental feature only available in the development version. I suggest making a feature request to add a PKG_CACHE or something similar to DISTFILES_CACHE but for the downloaded packages.
