Solved poudriere: force config of named port

Once poudriere options has run, ican someone describe how to force the reconfiguration of a named port?

It must be possible, but I can't figure it out. I hope someone will embarrass me by point to a section of the man page.
Mmm, that doesn't quite help me. I want to rerun the config where it pops up the dialog with all the options for that version of the package.

The page just tells you how to set the config manually once you know what options you want.

I'm building lots of packages, and in this instance, I don't want to investigate the problem packages, when they were initially configured by poudriere using a dialog.

But thanks anyway.
Easiest way is to simply remove the saved option directory. Those are saved in /usr/local/etc/poudriere.d/<jail>-<port>-<set>-options/. Each option directory is named <category>_<portname>. It should contain a single file named options. You can either edit the options file directly or remove the port's option directory. Or remove the whole options tree to redo everything.

For example, for a jail named 12-stable and a ports tree called server I have these options saved for www/apache24:
dice@molly:...local/etc/poudriere.d % ll 12-stable-server-options/www_apache24/
total 6
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  5238 Oct 13 18:19 options
If I remove that www_apache24 directory and rerun poudriere options {...} the options screen for Apache would show up again.
I believe I've done that before. But I'll try it again now.
I have two or three jails and two ports trees in Poudriere. So I have 6 different option trees, I often edit the wrong tree for the wrong jail or ports tree ;)
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I worked. But in moving it to /tmp, there was one already there, so I must have tried it previously.

Thanks again.