Possible Fix for urxvt cursor position

I've found, and I've seen others on these forums mention, that since urxvt updated to 9.31, the cursor position might be in the wrong place, especially when the terminal is the full height of the screen, say in dwm where, if you open a terminal it takes all available space.
An Arch using friend (Q: How do you know someone uses ArchLinux? A: Don't worry, they'll tell you.) pointed me to the Arch Wiki page on urxt. They mention a patch for it. I tried downloading the patch and put it in /usr/ports/x11/rxvt-unicode/files. I then reinstalled urxvt using the port, it only takes a minute or so.

I was then able to open urxvt terminals in full screen and have the login appear at the top, not the middle. Previously, I'd tried setting geometry in ~/.Xdefaults, which worked, but had to be commented out each time I changed to using openbox.

I don't know C and I'm not a developer, so I have no idea if there's anything wrong or dangerous about the patch, but I haven't heard anything bad about it.

I'm debating filing a PR, but first I emailed the maintainer, and will wait and see if they answer.

Here's a link to the patch if others want to try it.

However it doesn't solve, at least for me, the fact that if I run less <filename> the file shows at the bottom, rather than top of terminal, depending upon file size.
Well, now I'm finding it's not working 100%. So, I'm gonna say it helps, but it's not a complete fix, and I've redone my dwm conf again so much of my stuff is alacritty. I was thinking, if the maintainer didn't get back to me in a couple of days, of filing a pr, but now I'm not sure, as it doesn't fix things as well as I thought it would. Well, send pr is an old way of saying it I guess, they don't have it anymore. Ok, file a bug report and include the patch.
Just a quick update. I heard back from the maintainer, who suggested I ask upstream. I pointed out that upstream had been aware of it since January, and just thanked the maintainer for their work.

Meanwhile, getting a bit obsessive over it, I went looking for 9.30. I found it at http://dist.schmorp.de/rxvt-unicode/Attic/rxvt-unicode-9.30.tar.bz2. I removed my package of rxvt-unicode, and just built the tarbar with
./config;make; make install

making no changes to anything and it installed in/usr/local/bin.

I know that's not an ideal, I'm just mentioning it here because drhowarddrfine knows what they're doing and can decide for themselves. Though I still find that running less on a short file puts it at the bottom, not the top, of the terminal, and am gradually getting to like alacritty more and more (thanks NapoleonWils0n and others who helped) and may gradually make it my terminal of choice.