ports-mgmt/synth: Upgrade version 1.54 => 1.60
This functionality has been requested a few times and the initial implementation has been well received. Hopefully you guys will find it useful as well.
Major new feature: Web-based front-end
A dynamic html report is now generated for each build. The report is
placed at <profile log directory>/Report/index.html.
The report is updated 10 times per minute. The entire build history
is retained and is searchable, but that history is reset at the start
of the next run.
In addition, several fields are clickable and trigger a quick-filter
on the history log including the "Built", "Failed", "Ignored",
"Skipped", "No." column and "ID" column (see tiptool for action hint)
and the "Total" field clears the search pattern quickly.
An earlier but representative version of the web report can be seen at:
The Synth web report pulls 2 orders of magnitude less data than the
equivalent poudriere report because the json data is split into
multiple files limited to 500 ports each (e.g. the poudriere data file
might be 1.8 Mb on a big bulk run polled every 8 seconds where as
Synth only pulls the latest segment file (50kb avg) every 6 seconds.
Synth also stops polling when the run is complete.
Minor enhancement: The log files were cleaned up
The data/phase headers and footers were modified so that the build
log appears a lot cleaner now (subjective of course).
This functionality has been requested a few times and the initial implementation has been well received. Hopefully you guys will find it useful as well.