Playing Enemy Territory without NVIDIA possible?

Hi there,

On Laptops with i915 or radeon 9200 mobile video cards it is possible to play Enemy Territory? Currently I've a Laptop with FreeBSD 8.2 RELEASE AMD64. 3D runs fine I was able to start warsow but not Enemy Territory. It seems I've no 3D with Linux emulation. On my Desktop with a NVIDIA Card the game runs fine. Is there a workaround or should I try it with a fresh i386 install?

3D acceleration via Direct Rendering does not work for linux apps (or 32-bit FreeBSD apps) on FreeBSD/amd64 with any of the open source drivers. You can get acceleration via indirect rendering (AIGLX) but it will be slower than via direct rendering.

But it would work guaranteed on an 32 bit FreeBSD? I ask before because I need a hole day for building the Ports
I can make no guarantees. Certainly the open source drivers support 3D acceleration of linux apps on FreeBSD/i386, but I can't make any promises about the playability of Enemy Territory.