pkg upgrade replaces postgresql95-server with 9.3

Doing a # pkg upgrade causes databases/postgresql95-server to be replaced with databases/postgresql93-server.

I've attempted to use # pkg set -o databases/postgresql93-server[noparse]:p[/noparse]ostgresql95-server to change the dependency calls. Does not seem to work as I intended. Also tried # pkg set -n ....

How would I change the package dependencies so when installing or upgrading postgresql95-server is called, not the older version 9.3?
pkg: postgresql93-client-9.3.10_1 conflicts with postgresql95-client-9.5.0_1 (installs files into the same place).  Problematic file: /usr/local/bin/clusterdb

Save your data and deinstall postgresqp93 before.
You say it yourself:
because of dependencies of other pkgs.

This will always happen as long as you try to install/update packages from the main FreeBSD package repository; all those packages where built to depend on the "default" PostgreSQL 9.3. There is nothing you can do with the pkg command to change that. What you can do is to build those packages yourself (using poudriere or portmaster) and change the "default" PostgreSQL version to 9.5 when you do that.
If I were you, and don't think I'm not. ;)
I'd pkg delete postgresql3, or go to /usr/ports/databases/postgresql93-(server|client), and make deinstall. Then I'd tell pkg() to mark postgresql93 forbidden. I'd then open make.conf(5), and find the line DEFAULT_VERSIONS+=, and if it's not already there, add pgsql=9.5 to the list. Now, whenever you attempt to install a pkg() that depends on postgresql93, pkg() will barf with the error that shiny-new-port depends on postgresql93, but postgresql is marked forbidden. So at this point, you can cd to /usr/ports/category/shiny-new-port, and issue make install clean, or tell ports-mgmt/synth to make the package, and install it for you. Simple. No? :)

All the best.
