pkg fetch

I'm trying to specify reponame using pkg fetch -r mc
but get

No repositories are enabled.

Have I got the wrong repository? I see it here ... Is this the wrong one or is there some extra configuration required?
So I should run:-

pkg fetch -r /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos/mypkg.conf mc ....?

And if this file is a copy of /etc/pkg/FreeBSD.conf it should work?

I tried this but get 'No repositories are enabled.'
When in doubt check the manualpage. In this case pkg-fetch(8):

     -r reponame, --repository reponame
                   Fetches packages from the given reponame if multiple repo
                   support is enabled.  See pkg.conf(5).
Well, /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos/mypkg.conf is obviously not a repo name but a filename. Looking at pkg.conf(5) this should become more clear: you need to use the name of the actual repository.
Consider this:
myreponame: {
  enabled: yes

You reference that repository by its name: pkg install -r myreponame somepackage
When in doubt check the manualpage. In this case pkg-fetch(8):

Well, /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos/mypkg.conf is obviously not a repo name but a filename. Looking at pkg.conf(5) this should become more clear: you need to use the name of the actual repository.

Some of these man pages need a month to study - there are so many options... Thanks for pointing out my error in misunderstanding reponame....

Just FYI check pkg.conf(5) ... it includes
The file is in UCL    format.     For more information on the syntax of UCL,
     please visit the official UCL website -
So give it a try...