Solved pkg and output of install hints

Hello forum,

after installing a package with "pkg install foo" it displays important hints for doing some tasks after installation and/or hints for configuration.
1) Where do I find these messages?
2) How to redisplay them?

Many thanks for in advance.

Best regards juedan
You can find it in /usr/ports/category/portname/files/
or you use pkg info -D portname
pkg help info:

-D, --pkg-message

             Show the pkg-message for matching packages.

or you can install ports-mgmt/portless and see it with:
portless -d portname
(I like portless, cause you can look into the Makefile, the pkg-message, distinfo, pkg-plist, pkg-descr without change the directory).
after installing a package with "pkg install foo" it displays important hints for doing some tasks after installation and/or hints for configuration.
1) Where do I find these messages?
It's part of the package you installed, so normally it becomes part of your package database. Not easily viewed 'manually' unless you have the ports collection installed as well. Then you can just view the source.

2) How to redisplay them?
pkg info -D <package name>. So, for example pkg info -D mplayer. Be sure to use -x if you don't know the full (official) package name, see also pkg-info(8). Example being pkg info -Dx mplay.
In /usr/local/etc/pkg.conf add this to the ALIAS list:
message: info -D
You can then use it as pkg message <pkgname>:
root@molly:~ # pkg message samba48

How to start:

* Your configuration is: /usr/local/etc/smb4.conf

* All the relevant databases are under: /var/db/samba4

* All the logs are under: /var/log/samba4

* Provisioning script is: /usr/local/bin/samba-tool

For additional documentation check:

Bug reports should go to the:


Much easier to remember ;)