PF PF + Jails + NAT: jail traffic being dropped.

Could anyone please explain why my traffic is being dropped in PF.

I will attach my pf.conf below.

My interjail traffic is being dropped.
So far its only been for jplex.

What i've tried so far.
Restarted PF instead of reloading.

Added these rules;
pass           on $jif inet proto tcp from $jplex to any
pass           on $jif inet proto tcp from any to $jplex

After that it still drops the traffic inside the jail.

Im probably missing something.

My pf.conf:

### Macros
jif="lo1"           # jail interface
me="" # sometimes this is useful to have =)

# Jails VLAN

# Jail IPs

### Tables
#table <ssh_whitelist>    persist file "/etc/pf.d/ssh_whitelist" # explicit whitelist
#table <http_whitelist>   persist file "/etc/pf.d/http_whitelist"
#table <webmin_whitelist> persist file "/etc/pf.d/webmin_whitelist"
table <samba_whitelist>    persist file "/etc/pf.d/samba_whitelist"
#table <blacklist>        persist file "/etc/pf.d/blacklist" # explicit blacklist
### Global options
set block-policy drop
set skip on lo0
#set skip on $jif

# Increase PF limits
set limit { states 40000, frags 20000, src-nodes 20000 }
set timeout { adaptive.start 18000, adaptive.end 39000 }
### Traffic normalisation
scrub in all

### Queueing rules

### Translation rules (NAT)
nat           on egress from $jif:network to any -> (egress:0)

# rdr log (all) on ...
rdr           on egress inet proto { tcp      } to (egress) port { http, https, 8000         } -> $jweb
rdr           on egress inet proto { tcp, udp } to (egress) port { 137, 138, 139, 445        } -> $jsamba
rdr           on egress inet proto { tcp      } to (egress) port { 20, 21, 1023, 35000:35999 } -> $jftp
rdr           on egress inet proto { tcp      } to (egress) port { 6667, 6697, 6678, 6679    } -> $jircd
rdr           on egress inet proto { tcp, udp } to (egress) port { 53                        } -> $jdns
rdr           on egress inet proto { tcp      } to (egress) port { 8112                      } -> $jtorrent
rdr           on egress inet proto { tcp      } to (egress) port { 548, 4700, 5353, 44529    } -> $jafp
rdr           on egress inet proto { tcp      } to (egress) port { 32400, 1900, 3005, 8324, 32410, 32412, 32413, 32414, 32469 } -> $jplex
rdr           on egress inet proto { tcp      } to (egress) port { 8989                      } -> $jsonarr
rdr           on egress inet proto { tcp      } to (egress) port { 5050                      } -> $jcouchpotato

### Filter rules

antispoof quick for egress
antispoof quick for ($jif)

### Lets get this out of the way first
#block in quick from <blacklist>

### Default policy
block               quick inet6
block               quick           inet  proto igmp
block in  log (all)
pass  out                 on egress inet keep state

### block in
# everything is blocked by default, this section is only here for symmerty

### pass in on host

# allow:
pass in       on egress inet proto { tcp      } from { any }          to (egress) port ssh                                              # SSH

#pass in           on egress inet proto { udp      } from { any }             to (egress) port { 9987 }                            # TS3
#pass in           on egress inet proto { tcp      } from { any }             to (egress) port { 30033, 10011, 41144 } # TS3

## pass in on jails
# Allow LAN -> jails.
pass in           on egress inet proto { tcp      } from { any }             to $jweb port { http, https, 8000 }                                             # nginx webpool
pass in           on egress inet proto { tcp, udp } from { any }             to $jsamba port { 137, 138, 139, 445 }                                # Samba Backup/Pool.
pass in           on egress inet proto { tcp      } from { any }             to $jftp port { 20, 21, 1023, 35000:35999 }                             # FTP
pass in           on egress inet proto { tcp      } from { any }             to $jircd port { 6667, 6697, 6678, 6679 }                                # IRC
pass in           on egress inet proto { tcp, udp } from { any }             to $jdns port { 53 }                                                                  # BIND/DNS
pass in           on egress inet proto { tcp      } from { any }             to $jtorrent port { 8112 }                                                            # Deluge
pass in           on egress inet proto { tcp      } from { any }             to $jafp port { 4700, 548, 5353, 44529 }                                 # AFP TimeMachine
pass in          on egress inet proto { tcp, udp } from { any }         to $jplex port { 32400, 1900, 3005, 8324, 32410, 32412, 32413, 32414, 32469 } # Plex.
pass in           on egress inet proto { tcp      } from { any }             to $jsonarr port { 8989 }                                                            # Sonarr
pass in           on egress inet proto { tcp      } from { any }             to $jcouchpotato port { 5050 }                                                 # Couchpotato

## Allow broadcasts.
#pass in on $ext_if proto udp to keep state
#pass in on $ext_if proto udp to $ext_if:broadcast keep state

### inter-jail communication rules
## allow connection to ``self''
pass           on $jif inet proto { tcp, udp } from $jweb        to $jweb
pass           on $jif inet proto { tcp, udp } from $jftp        to $jftp
pass           on $jif inet proto { tcp, udp } from $jsamba      to $jsamba
pass           on $jif inet proto { tcp, udp } from $jircd       to $jircd
pass           on $jif inet proto { tcp, udp } from $jtor        to $jtor
pass           on $jif inet proto { tcp, udp } from $jdns        to $jdns
pass           on $jif inet proto { tcp, udp } from $jtorrent    to $jtorrent
pass           on $jif inet proto { tcp, udp } from $jbot        to $jbot
pass           on $jif inet proto { tcp, udp } from $jarchive    to $jarchive
pass           on $jif inet proto { tcp, udp } from $jafp        to $jafp
pass           on $jif inet proto { tcp, udp } from $jplex       to $jplex
pass           on $jif inet proto { tcp, udp } from $jsonarr     to $jsonarr
pass           on $jif inet proto { tcp, udp } from $jcouchpotato to $jcouchpotato

### let jails use other jails/host.
## Plex
pass           on $jif inet proto tcp from $jplex to any
pass           on $jif inet proto tcp from any to $jplex

### Socks Proxy
pass           on $jif inet proto { tcp } from $jtorrent to localhost port { 9050 }

## DNS
# Let them use internal DNS:
pass           on $jif inet proto { tcp, udp } from $jif:network to $jdns port domain

### Allow host to Jails.
## DNS
pass           on $jif inet proto { tcp, udp } from $host to $jdns port domain
## IRC
pass           on $jif inet proto { tcp } from $host to $jircd port { 6667, 6697, 6679 }
pass           on $jif inet proto { tcp } from $jbot to $jircd port { 6667, 6697 }
## WEB
pass           on $jif inet proto { tcp } from $jweb to $jarchive port 8080

## Sonarr/Couchpotato
# Let Jails use deluge.
pass           on $jif inet proto { tcp } from $jsonarr to $jtorrent port 8112
pass           on $jif inet proto { tcp } from $jcouchpotato to $jtorrent port 8112

## TOR
# Let host/jails access TOR
pass           on $jif inet proto { tcp } from $host to $jtor port 9050
pass           on $jif inet proto { tcp } from $jsonarr to $jtor port 9050

pflog0 output:
 00:00:01.315191 rule 5/0(match): block in on lo1: > tcp 0
 00:00:03.115129 rule 5/0(match): block in on lo1: > tcp 0
 00:00:01.801954 rule 5/0(match): block in on lo1: > tcp 0
 00:00:00.411804 rule 5/0(match): block in on lo1: > tcp 0
 00:00:01.235764 rule 5/0(match): block in on lo1: > tcp 0
 00:00:05.213628 rule 5/0(match): block in on lo1: > tcp 0
 00:00:04.756590 rule 5/0(match): block in on lo1: > tcp 0
 00:00:00.713631 rule 5/0(match): block in on lo1: > tcp 0
 00:00:00.213242 rule 5/0(match): block in on lo1: > tcp 0