pf/ipfw: per-process(user?) restrictions

Hi guys!

Could anyone give me a hand of help on this case: I want to allow some proccess (by-name) to connect only to address /some ip/ port /someport/, while having all the other's connections unrestricted. Could I achieve it smoehow?

As I know, on iptables there is functionality to restrict networking for process per its owners' gid/uid. How is it even done and is there any way to do that on FreeBSD?
It can only be done with outbound connections (only then the uid is known).

For example ipfw:
ipfw add 2010 allow tcp from me to any 80 setup out via em0 uid nekoexmachina

pass out on em0 proto tcp from me to any port 80 user nekoexmachina
pf can also do this on inbound connections where the uid/gid occupying an open port determines whether access is allowed. So you can tell pf that it should only allow incoming UDP connections when those are owned locally by a certain user, e.g.

pass  in quick inet proto udp all user rtorrent keep state