Solved Persistent randr

The monitor I have got, a television actually, is very nice and big, but very light shades bleach out. Even if I change the brightness/contrast/gamma in the TV settings, the light shades still bleach.

I can fix this quite easily with xrandr --output <whichever> --gamma <whatever> --brightness <whatever>

But this does not persist.

Whenever xscreensaver starts and then stops, or I switch user and back again, the settings for gamma and brightness have reset.
The settings for screen resolution, position, rotation and whatever else have not changed, they remain the way I like them.

I have tried both xrandr and nvidia-settings.

I presume that switching user or xscreensaver starting calls randr.

How can I either:
  1. run xrandr whenever screensaver stops, and when I switch user back again, or better still
  2. have the values for gamma and brightness persist across the entire X session?
add xrandr to your .xinitrc and disable the screensaver.

Yes, I did that. But it does not persist.

If I switch user and back again, gamma and brightness are gone. And if I disable the screensaver, then I do not have a screensaver.

Thank you.
I put Gamma x.xxxxx in the monitor section of xorg.conf. Did not make any difference.

xbacklight does not do anything. Maybe it would in a laptop.

I have considered putting xrandr --output whichever --gamma whatever --brightness whatever into crontab every minute. It is a bit of a kludge, and might have repercussions.
I have no solution, but: Wouldn't it be faster if you simply add a button with that command on your desktop instead of waiting up to 30 seconds? Or an entry in your start menu? Or something like an 1x1 pixel program in a corner with a mouseover event triggering that command (could be done with Tcl/Tk)…
I have no solution, but: Wouldn't it be faster if you simply add a button with that command on your desktop instead of waiting up to 30 seconds? Or an entry in your start menu? Or something like an 1x1 pixel program in a corner with a mouseover event triggering that command (could be done with Tcl/Tk)…

I had put these buttons in my start menu already. I merely want the display correct already, without having to click on buttons.

Not sure about the pixel tracker.

Thank you.