PCmanFM Operation not supported while trying to access my network fileserver

Hi, trying to connect to my network fileserver ( proxmox) from my FreeBSD laptop and PCmanFM. I thought i had permission issues so i run PCmanFM as root - same issues.
My rc.conf - dbus_enable="YES" / hald_enable="YES"
gvfs - installed.
My user is in wheel and operator group.
I had a very similar issue with PCmanFM and never solved it. My solution: I started using thunar, maybe it will solve the issue for you too.
I had a very similar issue with PCmanFM and never solved it. My solution: I started using thunar, maybe it will solve the issue for you too.
Yeah, i googled a bit as well and everyone have same issues but all on linux so i thought FreeBSD will be a different story.
Im using Midnight Commander so its all stars and roses but im PCmanFM user for almost 10 years so its kinda hard to move from it.
Maybe someone else will shed a light about it... fingers crossed.
Lets focus on these first. What do you enter and what popups are showing up?
I select type: FTP or SSH / type in my host / path /mnt/m2card - or blank / user ( created user or root )
I dont select port as its auto if i select FTP or SSH (SSH - port 22 / FTP - 21 ) i tried port which i use for web login as well.
Hi, trying to connect to my network fileserver ( proxmox) from my FreeBSD laptop and PCmanFM.

- root: sysctl vfs.usermount=1
- root: kldload fusefs
- user: export $(dbus-launch) to set dbus environment (depending on your shell, use the equivalent of export to set the environment)
- user: pcmanfm (or -qt , if x11-fm/pcmanfm-qt )

... not sure about fusefs kernel module if needed.

There is a discussion about helloSystem file manager (forked from lxqt/pcmanfm-qt) on Github issues "Find out how to get gfvs to work #28" to get remote server connection, solution may work under FreeBSD as well.

. https://github.com/helloSystem/hello/issues/28#issuecomment-719800250
. https://github.com/helloSystem/ISO/commit/3e544ffd25b6d62a20dc28b53abe2576c53462df