Patch 1 changed nothing in abnormal behavior freebsd-update fetch

My observation over many years is: only if users have to buy their software from a big company for a high price, they willingly accept that they do not get what they expect.
But to buy RedHat on a computing cluster of 10,000 cores will be very expensive. Even large firms engaged in computational processes can not afford it but use СentOS or SL :)
I think that this happens because I changed root's shell csh to bash in version 10.2 and then back to csh after upgarding to 12.0, because on another server, with the same upgrade, I did not change shell and everything is fine there
Oops ! Patch p2 threw root's shell from csh back to bash
echo $SHELL
What to do to not repeat?
That's impossible.
In another message earlier, I wrote that I could not enter as a root and remembered that I changed the shell root at 10.2 per bash. Then at 12.0 you were advised to change back to csh. I did it and the root work. And after the upgrade to p2, the root ' s shell returned to the bash again but root work (when i use sudo -i )
sudo -i
[root@cel ~]# echo $SHELL

and su
$ su
[root@cel /usr/home/at]# echo $SHELL

before upgradingg to p2 it was
echo $SHELL
Then you made a mistake somewhere because patches or upgrades NEVER change root's shell.
$ su
[root@cel /usr/home/at]# echo $SHELL

before upgradingg to p2 it was
echo $SHELL
Before p2 SHELL'S PATH was /bin/csh and now /usr/local/bin/bash (bash I did in 10.2 and then successively upgrade to 12.0)