Operation canceled. pre-check failed

I currently have a laptop that is only running Windows Vista. It has one 112 GB hard drive, and a 32-bit processor. I would like to completely wipe the hard drive and do a clean FreeBSD install. However, when the installation gets to the partition editor bit- and regardless of whether I choose guided partitioning or manual partitioning- it gives me the error:

Operation canceled. pre-check failed

Then, when I try to modify the partitions to make them what I want them to be, the editor does not let me.

The default partition set-up given by the partition editor in the guided partitioning mode is:

 ada0 112 GB GPT
    ada0p1 64 KB freebsd-boot
    ada0p2 108 GB freebsd-ufs
    ada0p3 3.8 GB freebsd-swap

I would like to have four freebsd-ufs partitions: a /var, /tmp, and /usr in addition to the /root partition, but as I said, it doesn't let me edit or add partitions. Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.
I got the same "operation canceled" error again when I clicked guided partition. However, when I started from scratch and tried to create a partitions on ada0, it gave me the following error:

The partition does not have a valid mountpoint (for the partition from which you intend to boot the operating system, the mountpoint should be /). Are you sure you wantt to continue?

It then let me create a partition that used the whole drive, but would not let me modify the partition to resize it make it smaller.