[Openbox] how are you gentlemen all your base OS belong to us


Wow this is going to sound screwed up, but I had IRC open in the background, and doing other stuff, when all of the sudden X crashed, near the end of the error list it said.

how are you gentlemen all your base OS belong to us...something Openbox 11

Would that be in the code somewhere, or was my system just exploited?

I guess this is probably the wrong spot, sorry DutchDaemon.
Oh haha...

Sorry, I found the answer, but instead of deleting all of this, Ill just leave my stupidity, and the answer.

Turns out Openbox prints it when it crashes, as a sort of easter egg.

Now thats a reaaaaal funny joke, I was loading the system down good, compiling, watching flash movies, and had quite a few IRC channels open.
[/usr/ports/x11-wm/openbox/work][CMD=" "]$ grep -A 2 -B 2 -i 'all your base' openbox-[/CMD]

               but throw some helpful output here... */

            fprintf(stderr, "How are you gentlemen? All your base are"
                    " belong to us. (Openbox received signal %d)\n", sig);
Thanks for moving the post, and added info DutchDaemon. I was a little freaked out, and didnt think the best place to post it. They got me pretty good with that one.
Thought I should mention, after it was all done with, I had to sit back and laugh, especially after reading Dutch's post, the "useful output" is funny. I dont know if any of you have ever caught the show "Punkd" or whatever the name is on MTV, but I think I got punked. After just having to redo my system due to a power outage, I was pretty freaked out for a bit.

Checked the network, and didnt see nothing funny going on, nor any strange things running in the background, and I did see the Openbox at the end, so I wondered about the code, but still being fairly new to FreeBSD in general, I wasnt sure if I was missing something or not.

Ive mentioned elsewhere here before, thats one thing I like about Open Source...comments in the code, or things like this. It has a human touch to it, there isnt come huge company telling a developer, or developers they they cant write stuff like that.

Its cool, and I like Openbox even more so now, lol. I would be tempted myself to write such a thing, if I were in the developers position, I dunno if I would be bright enough to think of it though.

Guess it would have helped if I had heard of the phrase before.

vermaden said:
If options for -A and -B are the same You may just simplify that into -C 2:

$ grep -C 2 ...

LOL - am I the only one who finds that funny and was probably a joke on the part of the people who coded grep? Both A squared and B square is the same as C squared... ;) :) (Maybe I should reference this post in the 'you know you're a nerd when...' thread... ;) :e )