Setting up obs studio on freebsd
Boot up with the external usb mic plugged in
+ install obs and obs browser plugin
+ set the xdg_runtime_directory directory to /tmp/username for pulseaudio
edit your shell config file, replace vi with the text editor of your choice
+ source your shell config file
+ After logging in run dmesg as root to make sure the device is recognised
+ Check /dev/dsp* for the device
in my case my mic is listed as /dev/dsp4
+ un mute the mic
un mute the volume for the devices mixer, the mixer number for dsp4 will be mixer4
+ start pulse audio
obs studio use pulseaudio so we need to start pulseaudio before opening obs studio,
otherwise the mic wont show up
stop pulseaudio
Boot up with the external usb mic plugged in
+ install obs and obs browser plugin
# pkg install obs-studio-25.0.4 obs-qtwebkit-g2018090201_2
+ set the xdg_runtime_directory directory to /tmp/username for pulseaudio
edit your shell config file, replace vi with the text editor of your choice
vi ~/.zshrc
# XDG_RUNTIME_DIR = /tmp/${USER} for obs studio and pulseaudio
if [ -z "$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR" ]; then
export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR="/tmp/${USER}"
if [ ! -d "$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR" ]; then
chmod 0700 "$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR"
+ source your shell config file
source ~/.zshrc
+ After logging in run dmesg as root to make sure the device is recognised
# dmesg
+ Check /dev/dsp* for the device
ls /dev/dsp*
in my case my mic is listed as /dev/dsp4
+ un mute the mic
un mute the volume for the devices mixer, the mixer number for dsp4 will be mixer4
mixer -f /dev/mixer4 mic 100
+ start pulse audio
obs studio use pulseaudio so we need to start pulseaudio before opening obs studio,
otherwise the mic wont show up
pulseaudio --start
stop pulseaudio
pulseaudio --kill