Other ntfs-3g fs shows 0 bytes

Right after Firefox froze the whole system briefly and recovered ntfs-3g fs now shows 0 bytes

#df -Th | grep data
/dev/nda0p5        fusefs      0B      0B      0B   100%    /data

#cat /etc/fstab
# Device        Mountpoint      FStype  Options Dump    Pass#
root/ROOT/default       /               zfs     rw      0       0
/dev/nda0p5     /data           fuse    mountprog=/usr/local/bin/ntfs-3g,late,rw        0       0
root/home       /home           zfs     rw      0       0
tmpfs /tmp tmpfs rw,mode=777    0       0

This is what I see in
#tail -f /var/log/messages
Jan 15 19:08:35 inspiron-2in-1 kernel: pid 29087 (ntfs-3g), jid 0, uid 0, was killed: a thread waited too long to allocate a page

output put from top
Mem: 714M Active, 1018M Inact, 23M Laundry, 1342M Wired, 618M Free
ARC: 420M Total, 226M MFU, 149M MRU, 539K Anon, 2975K Header, 41M Other

$ freebsd-version -kru

I have lots of memory available htop shows only 2.2Gb of 8Gb used. Do I need to do anything to my config ? How I can prevent this from happening again ? This is my laptop so I could reboot or go to init 1 and see if it recovers.
Its back after I used umount -f and remounted. I didnt need to reboot or go to init 1. Would welcome suggestions on either preventing Firefox from freezing or my fstab or any other config is not ok.
Maybe it's just me but I woulnd't mount "rw" a NTFS filesystem automatically on any of my Unix systems. In all honesty, I woulnd't mount a NTFS filesystem automatically AT ALL but only when needed.