I can't find sites-available and sites-enable on my nginx
whereis conf.d
in linux i can see them in /etc/nginx
whereis conf.d
in linux i can see them in /etc/nginx
I have lots of reading to do and thanksI'm sorry, but I think you have to create them yourself, there is a great guide posted by one of the members here in the forum https://forums.freebsd.org/threads/42312/ .
I'm the same as you new to FreeBSD but its fun to learn these thingsI have lots of reading to do and thanks
It is going to be very slow to comprehend but it is just me slow learner
Thanks Vincent. Sorry for late responds. I was up till 5 am last night trying to figure out and read lots of tutorials including yours. Somehow I was able to display my first basic page but not they way i wanted it.I'm the same as you new to FreeBSD but its fun to learn these thingsThis helped me alot maybe this has some use to you https://www.digitalocean.com/commun...wordpress-with-nginx-on-a-freebsd-10-1-server and http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/freebsd-nginx-namebased-virtual-hosting-configuration/ .
Hi Ependi Silalahi, I just finished fixing my bacula, honestly I want to do something the same as yours as you describe, I will test nginx now and update you what I find.Thanks Vincent. Sorry for late responds. I was up till 5 am last night trying to figure out and read lots of tutorials including yours. Somehow I was able to display my first basic page but not they way i wanted it.
Here is what i am trying to do. I have done this in linux but i want to learn how to do it on freebsd and i like freebsd because it challenges me.
On freebsd machine (home's network)I would like to have nextcloud and joomla but they way I want is like this https://nextcloud and https://joomla . i dont want like this https://joomla/nextcloud is that possible or am I stuck with this https://joomla/nextcloud since i dont have fqdn.
i use ddns to access my owncloud from outside and i use openvpn too. I did it with linux now i want to switch to freebsd. I am like you it is fun to learn freebsd and i like freebsd too.
I think this explains why sites available and sites enable are not available in FreeBSD nginx. https://forums.freebsd.org/threads/42444/Thanks Vincent. Sorry for late responds. I was up till 5 am last night trying to figure out and read lots of tutorials including yours. Somehow I was able to display my first basic page but not they way i wanted it.
Here is what i am trying to do. I have done this in linux but i want to learn how to do it on freebsd and i like freebsd because it challenges me.
On freebsd machine (home's network)I would like to have nextcloud and joomla but they way I want is like this https://nextcloud and https://joomla . i dont want like this https://joomla/nextcloud is that possible or am I stuck with this https://joomla/nextcloud since i dont have fqdn.
i use ddns to access my owncloud from outside and i use openvpn too. I did it with linux now i want to switch to freebsd. I am like you it is fun to learn freebsd and i like freebsd too.
Vincent I was able to make something different and still using from the same machineHi Ependi Silalahi, I just finished fixing my bacula, honestly I want to do something the same as yours as you describe, I will test nginx now and update you what I find.I just read somewhere (I couldn't remember where) but I think you need an additional virtual IP setup. Example, if you have one computer that has an IP address of and it has https://nextcloud on it, you cannot have another website on that same IP. So what you do is create another virtual IP from the same computer that outputs and have https://joomla on it. I will search that up.
vincent I dont know what to say I am still trying to reAd manual here and thereI kept getting an error of http 500. I need to fix this first.
location / {
root /usr/local/www/nginx;
index index.html;
thanks for helping us outGo into /usr/local/etc/nginx/. There is where your directories all are except the default HTML files which are in /usr/local/www/nginx/.
In /usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf, you will find
Code:location / { root /usr/local/www/nginx; index index.html; }
In there should be a configuration for root of your server and that should be pointing to /usr/local/www/nginx/ where the default index.html page is. You need to change the path to the root directory for your server where your index page is.
Thats what I thought when I read the nginx.nginx-dist it look like nginx.conf only need to uncoment '#"I've never heard of those exact filenames before. I don't know how nginx runs without nginx.conf. iirc, nginx.conf-dist is the default config file. Just copy nginx.conf-dist to nginx.conf and edit that one.
use kqueue
instead of the Linux thing (can't think of it). You also want sendfile on