Solved nfs mount fails with "[tcp] server:/mountpoint: Permission denied"

Just reinstalled a computer, and restored my "standard" configuration onto it.
And now, trying to mount into that computer via nfs to move the data of my old 12.2. system, I get this:

# mount /imports/meow/12bak
[tcp] meow:/home/stefan/data/my/exports/12bak: Permission denied
[tcp] meow:/home/stefan/data/my/exports/12bak: Permission denied
[tcp] meow:/home/stefan/data/my/exports/12bak: Permission denied

The configuration is basically the same that I used many times, just with other paths.
/etc/hosts, /etc/exports and /etc/fstab look good, the paths all exist.

# rpcinfo -s meow
   program version(s) netid(s)                         service     owner
    100000  2,3,4     local,udp6,tcp6,udp,tcp          rpcbind     superuser
    100005  3,1       tcp,udp,tcp6,udp6                mountd      superuser
    100003  3,2       tcp,udp                          nfs         superuser
    100024  1         tcp,udp,tcp6,udp6                status      superuser
    100021  4,3,1,0   tcp,udp,tcp6,udp6                nlockmgr    superuser

I must have missed out some stupid little detail... any idea what it could be?

The little stupid detail was that I used symbolic links in the exported paths.

showmount -e servername was what hinted me at looking into that direction and find the mistake.

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