Solved newbie needs help: receiving email and SMTP authentication

Ugh, now I wonder if I've broken something. I was able to send and receive email before, with STARTTLS, but Thunderbird sometimes said there was a Domain Name Mismatch. Which I think was because sendmail was using default certificates that said:

Common Name: freebsd103
Organization: Some-org
Locality: Some-city
State: Some-state
Country: XX

so I tried to switch to the certificates Apache is using. While I was at it, I changed their permissions to 600 and moved them to a new directory, and made that directory's permissions 700. Then I edited, renamed my local *.mc and *.cf files, and did make and then make install restart again.

I thought that worked. I can still send and receive email, and Thunderbird hasn't complained again. But now mxtoolbox says: "Warning - Does not support TLS." But Thunderbird is working with Server Settings > Connection Security set to STARTTLS. Any insight or tips, anyone? Thanks!
I added the following lines in my /etc/rc.conf:
Replace domain.tld with yours.
Remove your certs and they will be created at startup.

And create /etc/mail/certs/dh.param by running:
# cd /etc/mail/certs
# openssl dhparam -out dh.param 4096

because sendmail complained about missing this file.
Thanks, I was wondering about dh.param. I created it in my new directory, but mxtoolbox still gives me the same message.

Does this have to be in /etc/mail/certs/? I changed "CERT_DIR" in

Also, can I really remove my current certs if Apache and dovecot are using them? Can sendmail use these certs and Apache and dovecot other ones? Merci!
OK, that seems to have done the trick.

Edited /etc/rc.conf. Reverted my Did make and then make install restart again.

I guess sendmail can use the certificates in one place and Apache and dovecot can use those in another place.

Merci again!
OK, that seems to have done the trick.
Edited /etc/rc.conf. Reverted my Did make and then make install restart again.
Be careful !
After having run make for the first time, your sendmail configuration file is You don't need anymore.