vmware New user mouse question

I have installed 14.1-RELEASE in VMware Workstation 17. I'm determined not to get frustrated this time. I am going to hold off installing X11 for as long as it takes to get comfortable with the terminal and learn how things work. The issue I have at the moment is that my mouse doesn't work in the console (like for copying and pasting in an editor). I've searched the Handbook, and other sources.

"/etc/rc.d/moused start" reports that it's already running. (In my ignorance I don't know where that gets started.)

I read that these lines should be in my /etc/rc.conf :


... but that did not fix it.

The FreeBSD Handbook is a fantastic resource, but it didn't help with this (or I missed it). So I installed and looked at the configurations in GhostBSD (just looking for clues), but I didn't find answers there either, because things are too different. But I confirmed that the mouse works in the terminal on Ghost, in an identical VMware setup.

What should be my next step?
Don't need to add moused_port or moused_type if it's a PS/2 mouse, /dev/psm0 the default port and type defaults to auto.

moused_type="auto"      # See man page for rc.conf(5) for available settings.
moused_port="/dev/psm0" # Set to your mouse port.
moused_flags=""         # Any additional flags to moused.
What mouse was set up in the VM settings? psm(4) is a PS/2 mouse. USB mice are automatically loaded through devd(8), you don't need to enable moused(8) for USB.
It's a USB wireless mouse. I don't know how VMware sees it. I know that Virtualbox sees it as a PS2 mouse. I don't remember what or if FreeBSD asked me about the mouse during install. If it did, I would have told it PS2.

When I go to /dev I see a device called psm0. I read the man pages for devd and devd.conf but didn't get a clue from them.
It's a USB wireless mouse.
It's irrelevant what kind of mouse you have connected to the host, it's the type of mouse that's configured in the VM's settings that's important.

I know that Virtualbox sees it as a PS2 mouse.
Right. Then just add moused_enable="YES" and remove the other moused_* settings you had.

When I go to /dev I see a device called psm0.
Good. That's the PS/2 mouse that was detected.

I read the man pages for devd and devd.conf but didn't get a clue from them.
Don't need to worry about those, defaults should be fine. And they're not related to PS/2 mice, it's only useful to know for USB mice.
Don't need to add moused_port or moused_type if it's a PS/2 mouse, /dev/psm0 the default port and type defaults to auto.

moused_type="auto"      # See man page for rc.conf(5) for available settings.
moused_port="/dev/psm0" # Set to your mouse port.
moused_flags=""         # Any additional flags to moused.
Okay, I commented out "moused_enable="YES" but still no mouse. Something is missing somewhere. Recently I installed FreeDOS in a VMware VM and the mouse worked fine. So I'm guessing the problem is in my setup not my VM.
Okay, I commented out "moused_enable="YES" but still no mouse.
The other way around mate. Leave in moused_enable="YES" and remove the other moused_* settings you have in /etc/rc.conf.

So I'm guessing the problem is in my setup not my VM.
Don't guess, check and double-check. Look at the configuration of the VM itself. Check what kind of mouse is enabled. Don't assume a VM created for FreeDOS is the same as a VM created for FreeBSD.