network traffic monitoring - differences between systat, glances and iftop

I try to monitor my network traffic on certain servers. Since I use Linux and FreeBSD I was used to use glances as my "go-to-tool". When I need more detailed insights into my network traffic I used iftop and today I found systat -ifstat. My understanding so far: All these tools are capable of showing me "current network traffic in $unit".

Running all three in parallel I was curious to see differences in traffic recorded, especially in recorded peak values. For example:

systat -ifstat:
           igb1  in    686.947 KB/s          2.581 MB/s           39.679 GB
                 out    51.219 MB/s        120.706 MB/s            2.635 TB
TX:             cum:   33.2GB   peak:    628Mb                                          rates:    628Mb   529Mb   468Mb
RX:                     405MB           7.99Mb                                                   7.99Mb  5.36Mb  4.84Mb
TOTAL:                 33.6GB            635Mb                                                    635Mb   534Mb   473Mb


            Rx/s  Tx/s
igb1      6.99Mb  537Mb

As you can see: iftop and glances are roughly in the same ballpark, but systat allways shows values much lower.

Can somebody give me a hint, why this could be and maybe where the differences in the measurements origins?
