Mysqldump on Cron

Please help with my don't working cron file:

# Order of crontab fields
# minutehour    mday    month    wday    command
*    *    */1    *    *    mysqldump -u root -pmasterMYSQL CBM | gzip> /usr/local/www/CBM_`date +%m-%d-%Y`.sql.gz

Line `date +%m-%d-%Y` is bad for cron, please help me
Any output that's generated by a cronjob (typically error messages) will get mailed. So check root's mail.

And I suggest not trying to create too complicated command lines, put it in a script and call the script from cron(8).

*    *    */1    *    *  /root/bin/
And put all the necessary steps in /root/bin/ This will make it a lot less error-prone and will allow you to make the script as complex as needed without having to cram everything in a single line. It will also allow you to manually start the script if needed.
Please help with my don't working cron file
Apart from what SirDice said (I'd really follow up on his advice to make a script and then run that, it makes your life a whole lot easier too when you need to apply changes) also check crontab(5).

# Order of crontab fields
# minutehour    mday    month    wday    command
*    *    */1    *    *    mysqldump -u root -pmasterMYSQL CBM | gzip> /usr/local/www/CBM_`date +%m-%d-%Y`.sql.gz
Line `date +%m-%d-%Y` is bad for cron, please help me
You got more problems than that. Do you realize what * * */1 stands for?

           field         allowed values
           -----         --------------
           minute        0-59
           hour          0-23
           day of month  1-31
           month         1-12 (or names, see below)
           day of week   0-7 (0 or 7 is Sun, or use names)
Your script will run every day (the third *) with an interval of 1, so still every day. Then the first two usages of * without any intervals will ensure that your script will pretty much run every minute or so for every hour for the whole duration of that day.

I don't think you're looking to make 60 * 60 * 24 = 86400 backups in one day, do you? ;)

So also specify a time when this needs to run.
This is for test only. SH script not work, nothing in log cron.

Jan  2 03:25:00 CBM /usr/sbin/cron[2122]: (root) CMD (/usr/libexec/atrun^M)
Jan  2 03:27:57 CBM /usr/sbin/cron[2148]: (*system*) PARSE (bad minute)
Jan  2 03:27:57 CBM last message repeated 2 times
Jan  2 03:30:00 CBM /usr/sbin/cron[2150]: (root) CMD (/usr/libexec/atrun^M)
Jan  2 03:33:45 CBM /usr/sbin/cron[1897]: (*system*) PARSE (bad minute)
Jan  2 03:33:45 CBM last message repeated 2 times
Jan  2 03:35:00 CBM /usr/sbin/cron[1968]: (root) CMD (/usr/libexec/atrun^M)

# Order of crontab fields
# minutehour    mday    month    wday    command
*/1    *    *    *    *    /usr/bin/

mysqldump -u root -pmasterMYSQL CBM | gzip> /usr/local/www/CBM_`date +%m-%d-%Y`.sql.gz

Please help me
Use something sensible like:
5 0 * * * /root/bin/
This will make it run every day at 0:05.
Check root's mail, if a cronjob produces output it will get mailed.
Potentially unrelated points:
  • Make sure your shell script is executable
  • I would include the full path to mysqldump in the shell script t
Step 1, as already said above: Put all the work you need to do into a small script (which you can install in /usr/local/sbin for example).

Step 2: Make sure that shell script works when called by hand *with a minimal path*. Remember, cron sets the path to a small set. If your script is called /usr/local/sbin/foobar, then I would test is as follows: PATH=/etc:/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin /usr/local/sbin/foobar. Ideally, you could even inside your script become completely independent from the path, by calling all executables by explicit path (that has both advantages and disadvantages).

Step 3: Temporarily create another really tiny shell script, which you just use to verify that calling things from cron works. For example, here is test script /usr/local/sbin/blatz:
date >> /tmp/blatz.log
Put that tiny script in crontab, and make sure (by watching the log file) that it gets run. Make sure this shell script has execute permissions.

Step 4: Create yet another three tiny shell scripts, to test that getting the output of cron jobs into e-mail works. The first one should test stdout; it could just contain echo Hallo `date` with the appropriate #!/bin/sh hash-bang line. The second one should test stderr, with echo Hallo `date` > /dev/stderr. The third one is like the second one, but it shall fail, by returning a non-zero code: simply add exit 1 to the end of it. Let all three run from crontab, and make sure you get all the appropriate e-mails, and that you know how to distinguish success from failure and get the debugging data.

As you see, what I did above is break down the problem to various components, each of which could have problems. Once all this works to your satisfaction, adding the "real" script to crontab just *has to work*.
For me works doing this:

First set you password and DBDescription to a encrypted file with this command bellow:
mysql_config_editor set --login-path=DBDescription --user=DBUser --port=3306 --password

See if that works:
mysql_config_editor print --login-path=DBDescription

The output will be something like this:
user = root
password = *****
host = localhost
port = 3306

Now create a shell script:

#Seta paths

$MYDUMP --login-path=DBDescription DBNAME > $BACKUPDIR/mysql-DBNAME.`date '+%d-%B-%Y--%Hh'`.sql

#GZIP the file
$MYGZIP $BACKUPDIR/mysql-DBNAME.`date '+%d-%B-%Y--%Hh'`.sql

And finally create a job with cron.
Here I use:
# nano /etc/crontab
At the final line of the file add:
00 04 * * * root /usr/local/www/apache24/data/

Based on the information of the page: link