I realise my FreeBSD doesnt recognise any USB device anymore. Nothing related to usb shows up when I insert usb device: bluetooth dongle, usb stick...
Does anyone have any idea? This is my current kernel config file:
Does anyone have any idea? This is my current kernel config file:
# GENERIC -- Generic kernel configuration file for FreeBSD/i386
# For more information on this file, please read the handbook section on
# Kernel Configuration Files:
# http://www.FreeBSD.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/kernelconfig-config.html
# The handbook is also available locally in /usr/share/doc/handbook
# if you've installed the doc distribution, otherwise always see the
# FreeBSD World Wide Web server (http://www.FreeBSD.org/) for the
# latest information.
# An exhaustive list of options and more detailed explanations of the
# device lines is also present in the ../../conf/NOTES and NOTES files.
# If you are in doubt as to the purpose or necessity of a line, check first
# in NOTES.
# $FreeBSD: src/sys/i386/conf/GENERIC,v 1.429. 2007/12/15 06:32:32 scottl Exp $
machine i386
# cpu I486_CPU
# cpu I586_CPU
cpu I686_CPU
# To statically compile in device wiring instead of /boot/device.hints
#hints "GENERIC.hints" # Default places to look for devices.
makeoptions DEBUG=-g # Build kernel with gdb(1) debug symbols
options SCHED_ULE
# options SCHED_4BSD # 4BSD scheduler
options PREEMPTION # Enable kernel thread preemption
options INET # InterNETworking
# options INET6 # IPv6 communications protocols
options FFS # Berkeley Fast Filesystem
options SOFTUPDATES # Enable FFS soft updates support
options UFS_ACL # Support for access control lists
options UFS_DIRHASH # Improve performance on big directories
options MD_ROOT # MD is a potential root device
# options NFSCLIENT # Network Filesystem Client
# options NFSSERVER # Network Filesystem Server
# options NFS_ROOT # NFS usable as /, requires NFSCLIENT
options MSDOSFS # MSDOS Filesystem
options CD9660 # ISO 9660 Filesystem
options PROCFS # Process filesystem (requires PSEUDOFS)
options PSEUDOFS # Pseudo-filesystem framework
options GEOM_GPT # GUID Partition Tables.
options COMPAT_43 # Compatible with BSD 4.3 [KEEP THIS!]
options COMPAT_FREEBSD4 # Compatible with FreeBSD4
options COMPAT_FREEBSD5 # Compatible with FreeBSD5
options SCSI_DELAY=5000 # Delay (in ms) before probing SCSI
options KTRACE # ktrace(1) support
options SYSVSHM # SYSV-style shared memory
options SYSVMSG # SYSV-style message queues
options SYSVSEM # SYSV-style semaphores
options _KPOSIX_PRIORITY_SCHEDULING # POSIX P1003_1B real-time extensions
options KBD_INSTALL_CDEV # install a CDEV entry in /dev
options ADAPTIVE_GIANT # Giant mutex is adaptive.
device apic # I/O APIC
# Bus support.
# device eisa
device pci
# Floppy drives
# device fdc
# ATA and ATAPI devices
device ata
device atadisk # ATA disk drives
# device ataraid # ATA RAID drives
device atapicd # ATAPI CDROM drives
# device atapifd # ATAPI floppy drives
# device atapist # ATAPI tape drives
options ATA_STATIC_ID # Static device numbering
# SCSI Controllers
# device ahb # EISA AHA1742 family
# device ahc # AHA2940 and onboard AIC7xxx devices
# options AHC_REG_PRETTY_PRINT # Print register bitfields in debug
# output. Adds ~128k to driver.
# device ahd # AHA39320/29320 and onboard AIC79xx devices
# options AHD_REG_PRETTY_PRINT # Print register bitfields in debug
# output. Adds ~215k to driver.
# device amd # AMD 53C974 (Tekram DC-390(T))
# device isp # Qlogic family
#device ispfw # Firmware for QLogic HBAs- normally a module
# device mpt # LSI-Logic MPT-Fusion
# #device ncr # NCR/Symbios Logic
# device sym # NCR/Symbios Logic (newer chipsets + those of `ncr')
# device trm # Tekram DC395U/UW/F DC315U adapters
# device adv # Advansys SCSI adapters
# device adw # Advansys wide SCSI adapters
# device aha # Adaptec 154x SCSI adapters
# device aic # Adaptec 15[012]x SCSI adapters, AIC-6[23]60.
# device bt # Buslogic/Mylex MultiMaster SCSI adapters
# device ncv # NCR 53C500
# device nsp # Workbit Ninja SCSI-3
# device stg # TMC 18C30/18C50
# SCSI peripherals
device scbus # SCSI bus (required for SCSI)
# device ch # SCSI media changers
device da # Direct Access (disks)
# device sa # Sequential Access (tape etc)
device cd # CD
device pass # Passthrough device (direct SCSI access)
device ses # SCSI Environmental Services (and SAF-TE)
# RAID controllers interfaced to the SCSI subsystem
# device amr # AMI MegaRAID
# device arcmsr # Areca SATA II RAID
# device asr # DPT SmartRAID V, VI and Adaptec SCSI RAID
# device ciss # Compaq Smart RAID 5*
# device dpt # DPT Smartcache III, IV - See NOTES for options
# device hptmv # Highpoint RocketRAID 182x
# device hptrr # Highpoint RocketRAID 17xx, 22xx, 23xx, 25xx
# device rr232x # Highpoint RocketRAID 232x
# device iir # Intel Integrated RAID
# device ips # IBM (Adaptec) ServeRAID
# device mly # Mylex AcceleRAID/eXtremeRAID
# device twa # 3ware 9000 series PATA/SATA RAID
# RAID controllers
# device aac # Adaptec FSA RAID
# device aacp # SCSI passthrough for aac (requires CAM)
# device ida # Compaq Smart RAID
# device mfi # LSI MegaRAID SAS
# device mlx # Mylex DAC960 family
# device pst # Promise Supertrak SX6000
# device twe # 3ware ATA RAID
# atkbdc0 controls both the keyboard and the PS/2 mouse
device atkbdc # AT keyboard controller
device atkbd # AT keyboard
device psm # PS/2 mouse
# device kbdmux # keyboard multiplexer
device vga # VGA video card driver
# device splash # Splash screen and screen saver support
# syscons is the default console driver, resembling an SCO console
device sc
# Enable this for the pcvt (VT220 compatible) console driver
#device vt
#options XSERVER # support for X server on a vt console
#options FAT_CURSOR # start with block cursor
device agp # support several AGP chipsets
# Power management support (see NOTES for more options)
# device apm
# Add suspend/resume support for the i8254.
device pmtimer
# PCCARD (PCMCIA) support
# PCMCIA and cardbus bridge support
# device cbb # cardbus (yenta) bridge
# device pccard # PC Card (16-bit) bus
# device cardbus # CardBus (32-bit) bus
# Serial (COM) ports
# device sio # 8250, 16[45]50 based serial ports
# Parallel port
# device ppc
# device ppbus # Parallel port bus (required)
# device lpt # Printer
# device plip # TCP/IP over parallel
# device ppi # Parallel port interface device
#device vpo # Requires scbus and da