Multiple zroot/ROOT entities after freebsd-update?


I found a wired thing about my zroot pool recently after running freebsd-update, though the system is working fine.
There are some zroot/ROOT/* filesystems with MOUNTPOINT to be / beside zroot/ROOT/default.

[root@proliant ~]# zfs list 
NAME                                           USED  AVAIL     REFER  MOUNTPOINT
zroot                                         27.9G   181G       88K  /zroot
zroot/ROOT                                    22.2G   181G       88K  none
zroot/ROOT/13.1-RELEASE-p1_2022-09-04_221826     8K   181G     8.74G  /
zroot/ROOT/13.1-RELEASE-p2_2022-11-11_222642     8K   181G     9.35G  /
zroot/ROOT/13.1-RELEASE-p3_2022-11-15_205540     8K   181G     9.15G  /
zroot/ROOT/13.1-RELEASE-p3_2022-11-16_220104     8K   181G     9.19G  /
zroot/ROOT/13.1-RELEASE_2022-08-16_225514        8K   181G     14.5G  /
zroot/ROOT/default                            22.2G   181G     9.42G  /
zroot/tmp                                      360K   181G      360K  /tmp
zroot/usr                                     5.59G   181G       88K  /usr
zroot/usr/home                                 733M   181G      733M  /usr/home
zroot/usr/ports                                898M   181G      898M  /usr/ports
zroot/usr/src                                 4.00G   181G     4.00G  /usr/src
zroot/var                                     31.8M   181G       88K  /var
zroot/var/audit                                288K   181G      288K  /var/audit
zroot/var/crash                                 88K   181G       88K  /var/crash
zroot/var/log                                 26.8M   181G     26.8M  /var/log
zroot/var/mail                                4.48M   181G     4.48M  /var/mail
zroot/var/tmp                                   88K   181G       88K  /var/tmp
I am wondering what they are.
Is it OK to destroy them?

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How do I remove these? Running out of space...

zroot/ROOT/13.1-RELEASE-p1_2022-10-16_034912 8K 398M 13.9G /
zroot/ROOT/13.1-RELEASE-p2_2022-11-03_174720 8K 398M 16.3G /
zroot/ROOT/13.1-RELEASE-p3_2022-12-11_145236 8K 398M 16.4G /
zroot/ROOT/13.1-RELEASE-p5_2023-04-28_193214 8K 398M 16.6G /
zroot/ROOT/13.1-RELEASE-p7_2023-07-12_120918 8K 398M 16.9G /
zroot/ROOT/13.1-RELEASE_2022-08-12_041211 8K 398M 11.8G /

     destroy [-Fo] beName[@snapshot]
               Destroy the given beName boot environment or beName@snapshot
               snapshot without confirmation, unlike in beadm(1).  Specifying
               -F will automatically unmount without confirmation.

               By default, bectl will warn that it is not destroying the
               origin of beName.  The -o flag may be specified to destroy the
               origin as well.
Don't forget to do bectl list before doing any destroy commands. Look for the BE with "NR" in the "Active" column. That is the BE you are currently in (N) and the one that will be used on the next boot (R).

I think we could probably just put up something in HowTos and link these threads.
Look for the BE with "NR" in the "Active" column. That is the BE you are currently in (N) and the one that will be used on the next boot (R).
Yes. If you've never done anything with boot environments then the active one is probably 'default'. You definitely want to keep that one.
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