Multi Home FreeBSD and incoming conections

Hi. I have a FreeBSD 7 running HTTPD and Mail services, with 3 WAN links from different ISPs (differente address) . Incoming connections from the WAN with default routed gateway configured work fine, but the other two address only work if I set the default route the gateways of each one. My problem is with incomming connections to mail ports and HTTP ports to the address from the other two networks. I have configure the DNS with round-robin to the 3 address, but this problem is trashing my service. Any ideas?
Thanks, but it´s a production mail server, so i can't risk to stop the mail of the company for now. I'll try to make a copy of the server and upgrade it to try.
Thanks, but it´s a production mail server, so i can't risk to stop the mail of the company for now. I'll try to make a copy of the server and upgrade it to try.
The upgrade path in your case is to set up a new machine, install all the software and copy the data.
I'm testing other server with the FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE-p22 with Tomcat and Apache running. The problem repeats there too. I can access the services by the address that has the default gateway, but not by the other address... It can not be a version problem... Is this behavior natural for a network? Access a IP address different from the default gateway, and the answer got through the default gateway address?
Note that FreeBSD 9 will be end-of-life too at the end of this year. So you'll need to update/upgrade that one too.