msktutil + net command

Hi all,

So, I'm configuring a FreeBSD instance to run kerberos(8) via a keytab to AD.
Basically, I am at the point of the system being able to register in AD, the machine account is successfully created... (from first glance)... however, the msktutil command dies with it unable to locate the net command (for like net ads join I imagine), this results with the keytab never being successfully created (useless).

How do I get the net command...? ...well, install samba right..? (on Debian I would use samba-common-bin, not avail on bsd).. So, I install the samba(36 or 41 whatever) package, and then it proceeds to delete msktutil... (useless).

All in all, my question would be, how do I install the net binary, yet still keep msktutil installed? (and functioning).

A thousand thanks to all ahead of time!
Whoever can find me a solution will receive a shrine in their honor, somewhere in my office :p

Thanks all,