Mplayer + PF and RTSP filtering

Hello !
Pretty basic question... I'm using Mplayer for a local RTSP stream (VLC is totally unstable for that stream) and it does work fine.
I edited my PF rules for better security, and now Mplayer can't connect to the stream.
To resume my PF rules, I basically filter anything (block all) and allowing only specific ports using pass out (like
pass out proto {tcp udp} to port { several ports, including 554 for RTSP }) and some pass in rules too.
Problem is : mplayer does connect to the remote IP on 554, BUT I noted using sockstat that mplayer creates a random local TCP port (ie ; changes at every new connection), this causing the unavailability of the stream. Of course, if I set pass out all, everyhting does work fine again.
The mplayer doc uses the -rtsp-port option and it looks to be what I'm looking for, but the command is totally ignored - both remote and local ports keep their state (554 and local random port).

Does anyone have an idea to set a static local port for mplayer ? It would be pretty shameful to set back pass out all only because mplayer can't be forced to use a static local port...