Mouse handling different for xorg/udev versus xorg/devd

Migrated from FBSD-13.2 to FBSD-14.1. Compiled many ports and installed some packages, notably nvidida driver and Xorg/udev. Took awhile to get mouse working until learning about "kern.evdev.rcpt_mask". So got mouse working with selected DE's. Unfortunately, some applications that I use heavily lost their ability to allow/provide mouse scrolling within their content sections. Had to resort to keyboard pagination buttons or grabbing slider to move through content. Not good. One application in particular, keepassxc -something that I use a LOT during development - lost that content mouse scrolling ability.

Spent a LOT of time trying different xorg configurations. Nothing changed. Certain other applications, such as web browser, were not affected by this. libinput and mouse_drv were also installed and stayed with the change in xorg server. Main user ".xinitrc" file used "ck-launch-session dbus-launch --exit-with-session mate-session". Also installed and tested XFCE DE.

Deleted xorg(udev) pkg, compiled and installed xorg(devd) server and voila! Application content mouse scrolling was returned. I don't know what exactly changed but I will be staying away from xorg/udev as xorg/devd works for me.