mounting zpool within a jail

Hopefully this is a suitable place for this question.

I have 2 zfs pools. One of them has all my jails (smaller storage, faster disk) and another is for mass storage (bigger storage, slower disk). I was hoping to be able to present a fs within the jail that gives visibility of used, avail, and capacity.

Nullfs works to get the fs in the jail, but it doesn't present any of the space values.

I guess it may be less of an issue if I knew what the feedback is to a user in the jail if the fs reaches capacity.


It is possible according to documentation.

Here is what [CMD="man zfs"][/CMD]says:

A ZFS dataset can be attached to a jail by using the "zfs jail" subcom‐
mand. You cannot attach a dataset to one jail and the children of the
same dataset to another jails. To allow management of the dataset from
within a jail, the jailed property has to be set. The quota property can‐
not be changed from within a jail.

A ZFS dataset can be detached from a jail using the "zfs unjail" subcom‐

After a dataset is attached to a jail and the jailed property is set, a
jailed file system cannot be mounted outside the jail, since the jail
administrator might have set the mount point to an unacceptable value.