Solved missing key: virtual_categories: Cannot read the portsdb!

On one of the servers.
cd /usr/ports/ && git pull
Уже обновлено.
root@FILE:/usr/ports # rehash 
root@FILE:/usr/ports # make index

root@FILE:/usr/ports # pkg version -vl '<'
bind-tools-9.16.19                 <   needs updating (port has 9.16.20)
binutils-2.33.1_4,1                <   needs updating (port has 2.37_1,1)
ca_root_nss-3.68                   <   needs updating (port has 3.69_1)
dialog4ports-0.1.6                 <   needs updating (port has 0.1.6_1)
dnsmasq-2.85_1,1                   <   needs updating (port has 2.86,1)
e2fsprogs-libuuid-1.46.3           <   needs updating (port has 1.46.4)
fontconfig-2.13.93_1,1             <   needs updating (port has 2.13.94_1,1)
gdbm-1.20                          <   needs updating (port has 1.21)
glib-2.68.3,2                      <   needs updating (port has 2.68.4,2)
harfbuzz-2.8.2                     <   needs updating (port has 3.0.0)
libdrm-2.4.107,1                   <   needs updating (port has 2.4.107_1,1)
libgcrypt-1.9.3                    <   needs updating (port has 1.9.4)
libglvnd-1.3.3                     <   needs updating (port has 1.3.4)
libuv-1.41.0                       <   needs updating (port has 1.42.0)
llvm12-12.0.1_1                    <   needs updating (port has 12.0.1_4)
mc-nox11-4.8.26_2                  <   needs updating (port has 4.8.27)
mesa-libs-21.1.5_1                 <   needs updating (port has 21.1.5_2)
meson-0.58.1                       <   needs updating (port has 0.59.1)
mysql57-client-5.7.33              <   needs updating (port has 5.7.35_1)
nginx-1.20.1_2,2                   <   needs updating (port has 1.20.1_3,2)
p5-Class-Data-Inheritable-0.08_1   <   needs updating (port has 0.09)
p5-FCGI-0.79                       <   needs updating (port has 0.82)
p5-IO-Socket-SSL-2.071             <   needs updating (port has 2.072)
p5-Type-Tiny-1.012003              <   needs updating (port has 1.012004)
pciids-20210627                    <   needs updating (port has 20210725)
pcre-8.44                          <   needs updating (port has 8.45)
php73-7.3.29_1                     <   needs updating (port has 7.3.30)
php73-ctype-7.3.29_1               <   needs updating (port has 7.3.30)
php73-curl-7.3.29_1                <   needs updating (port has 7.3.30)
php73-dom-7.3.29_1                 <   needs updating (port has 7.3.30)
php73-filter-7.3.29_1              <   needs updating (port has 7.3.30)
php73-ftp-7.3.29_1                 <   needs updating (port has 7.3.30)
php73-gd-7.3.29_1                  <   needs updating (port has 7.3.30)
php73-gettext-7.3.29_1             <   needs updating (port has 7.3.30)
php73-hash-7.3.29_1                <   needs updating (port has 7.3.30)
php73-iconv-7.3.29_1               <   needs updating (port has 7.3.30)
php73-json-7.3.29_1                <   needs updating (port has 7.3.30)
php73-mbstring-7.3.29_1            <   needs updating (port has 7.3.30)
php73-mysqli-7.3.29_1              <   needs updating (port has 7.3.30)
php73-opcache-7.3.29_1             <   needs updating (port has 7.3.30)
php73-openssl-7.3.29_1             <   needs updating (port has 7.3.30)
php73-pdo-7.3.29_1                 <   needs updating (port has 7.3.30)
php73-phar-7.3.29_1                <   needs updating (port has 7.3.30)
php73-posix-7.3.29_1               <   needs updating (port has 7.3.30)
php73-session-7.3.29_1             <   needs updating (port has 7.3.30)
php73-simplexml-7.3.29_1           <   needs updating (port has 7.3.30)
php73-soap-7.3.29_1                <   needs updating (port has 7.3.30)
php73-sockets-7.3.29_1             <   needs updating (port has 7.3.30)
php73-tokenizer-7.3.29_1           <   needs updating (port has 7.3.30)
php73-xml-7.3.29_1                 <   needs updating (port has 7.3.30)
php73-xmlreader-7.3.29_1           <   needs updating (port has 7.3.30)
php73-xmlrpc-7.3.29_1              <   needs updating (port has 7.3.30)
php73-xmlwriter-7.3.29_1           <   needs updating (port has 7.3.30)
php73-zip-7.3.29_1                 <   needs updating (port has 7.3.30)
php73-zlib-7.3.29_1                <   needs updating (port has 7.3.30)
py38-Jinja2-2.11.2_1               <   needs updating (port has 3.0.1)
py38-distro-1.5.0                  <   needs updating (port has 1.6.0)
py38-markupsafe-1.1.1_1            <   needs updating (port has 2.0.1)
py38-setuptools_scm-4.1.2_1        <   needs updating (port has 4.1.2_2)
python38-3.8.11                    <   needs updating (port has 3.8.12)
rubygem-asciidoctor-2.0.15         <   needs updating (port has 2.0.16)
scons-py38-4.1.0.post1             <   needs updating (port has 4.2.0)
tcl86-8.6.11_1                     <   needs updating (port has 8.6.11_2)
w3m-                 <   needs updating (port has
wayland-protocols-1.21             <   needs updating (port has 1.22)

# portupgrade -arR
[Reading data from pkg(8) ... - 390 packages found - done]
[Updating the portsdb <format:bdb_btree> in /usr/ports ... - 0 port entries found  ..... done]
[missing key: virtual_categories] [Updating the portsdb <format:bdb_btree> in /usr/ports ... - 0 port entries found  ..... done]
missing key: virtual_categories: Cannot read the portsdb!
database file error

# pkgdb -fu
--->  Updating the pkgdb
[Reading data from pkg(8) ... - 390 packages found - done]
Tried deleting ports and updating them again.
The same mistake.
rm -rf /usr/ports/* && rm -rf /usr/ports/.*
# git clone --branch main /usr/ports/
Клонирование в «/usr/ports»…
remote: Enumerating objects: 5130419, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (945/945), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (129/129), done.
remote: Total 5130419 (delta 923), reused 816 (delta 816), pack-reused 5129474
Получение объектов: 100% (5130419/5130419), 839.93 МиБ | 7.82 МиБ/с, готово.
Определение изменений: 100% (3091287/3091287), готово.
Updating files: 100% (141716/141716), готово.
How to be?
Last edited by a moderator: