Memory usage

Hi all,

I'd like to write a script to watch the memory usage under an user.

But what's different between VSZ et RSS when you use ps command ?

RSS is a resident size. Memory usage for a process at this time ?
VSZ is a virtual size. Memory usage for a process + shared lib + swap used ?

Thanks a lot
Hi all,

I read the post but i have a question.
When i count the number of process Apache and the sum of their resident memory, this value don't match with memory usage display by the command 'top'.

Apache : 19 process x 5296 rss = 100624 Ko resident memory ~ 100 Mo

$ top
Mem: 19M Active, 3440K Inact, 46M Wired, 28K Cache, 387M Free

The system have juste 19 Mo of active memory.

The Apache processes all share that memory, so don't multiply the values.