Solved Mattermost installation


I just installed www/mattermost-server from ports. When I try to start it with mattermostd server, I get the following error:

root@mattermost:/usr/ports/www/mattermost-server # mattermostd server
{"level":"info","msg":"Stopping Server..."}
{"level":"info","msg":"stopping websocket hub connections"}
{"level":"warn","msg":"We appear to have already sent the stop checking for deadlocks command"}
{"level":"info","msg":"Server stopped"}
{"level":"error","msg":"unable to load Mattermost translation files: Unable to find i18n directory"}
Error: unable to load Mattermost translation files: Unable to find i18n directory

Can someone help me out here?
Thanks for your answer. I had to update ports to get the latest version. Now a rc.d file is included and I can start it using service