So I'd like to run MariaDB instead of MySQL, but I need to have databases/py-MySQLdb installed on the same system.
The problem is databases/py-MySQLdb insists it needs databases/mysql56-client, which conflicts with databases/mariadb101-client, which is required by databases/mariadb101-server.
Except, it seems like there shouldn't be an issue. Based on the ports page and
Is there a way I can solve this with either ports or packages?
The problem is databases/py-MySQLdb insists it needs databases/mysql56-client, which conflicts with databases/mariadb101-client, which is required by databases/mariadb101-server.
Except, it seems like there shouldn't be an issue. Based on the ports page and
pkg info
, all databases/py-MySQLdb actually needs is Based on pkg info
and ldconfig -r
, databases/mariadb101-client provides all the same libmysqlclient* as databases/mysql56-client. Yet pkg stubbornly insists on installing databases/mysql56-client.
# pkg install py27-MySQLdb mariadb101-server
Updating custom repository catalogue...
custom repository is up-to-date.
All repositories are up-to-date.
Checking integrity... done (1 conflicting)
- mariadb101-client-10.1.17 conflicts with mysql56-client-5.6.32 on /usr/local/bin/msql2mysql
Cannot solve problem using SAT solver, trying another plan
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 2 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):
New packages to be INSTALLED:
py27-MySQLdb: 1.2.5
mysql56-client: 5.6.32
Number of packages to be installed: 2
The process will require 45 MiB more space.
Proceed with this action? [y/N]: Please type 'Y[es]' or 'N[o]' to make a selection
Is there a way I can solve this with either ports or packages?