Making a forum

I like it, only I get to read the terms and conditions for the users


what you thing? , is a good for final users?

ps: is for make a latin american FreeBSD forum
I like it, only I get to read the terms and conditions for the users


what you thing? , is a good for final users?

ps: is for make a latin american FreeBSD forum
Va por favor a publicar aqui la URL cuando esta finalizado todo?
== Please return here when it is live and notify of the URL?
I used punbb in the past:

I thought it was fairly good. My only recommendation is to hack up the login and register code a little to confuse any automated spam bots.

i.e perhaps create a fake login submit button hidden by a div to a normal user but in plain sight for the bot to follow and get blocked.
You can easily confuse bots by asking simple questions like "What is the colour of a non-ripe banana?": Green -- a simple bot could detect banana and answer: yellow.
There is a nice comparison of forum software on Wikipedia:

When I first joined the FreeBSD forums it were run by vBulletin, which I liked very much. The Forums were then switched to phpBB because of an urgent security flaw of vBulletin which could not be fixed at that time (I don't remember the very details). Initially, I was not comfortable with phpBB, looking back, I think that because of the urgency of the switch, the FreeBSD theme was hacked together leaving very rough edges. Everything looked so very ugly, that I created a plugin for my browser which ironed out the flaws in the font sizes and text element colors and placing by applying a customized CSS. Now guess what, I started to like the FreeBSD forums on phpBB. Finally FreeBSD switched the forum software once again to XenForo. Looking back, my personal preference is still:
  1. vBulletin (if it would not have all these security issues this and then)
  2. phpBB with a customized CSS
  3. XenForo
Now, this is my personal opinion. Given that 1. and 3. is proprietary software, I would start looking at phpBB.

I found a screenshot of the FreeBSD forums with phpBB with my customized CSS applied
I recently stumbled upon a human-verification method that cuts a jigsaw puzzle piece out of an image, and you're required to drag the missing piece to its correct position using a slider. While there is always a way around it, it is still an interesting solution. I haven't searched for any existing open-source implementations however.
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