Solved make installkernel and make cleandepend && make depend

I've got a short question
In the handbook is written:
# make buildkernel
and then
# make installkernel But in the log file which I had started before calling # make buildkernel is written in the output, which came also to screen a, may be important, advice at the beginning:
>>> stage 1: configuring the kernel
...Don't forget to do ``make cleandepend && make depend''

In build(7) is written about this: ...
depend       Generate a list of build dependencies in file ${.OBJDIR}/${DEPENDFILE}.
What does that mean? Should I do make cleandepend && make depend to fix the dependencies together after compiling of # make buildkernel, before installing them, or not?
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I've been updating/upgrading my system from source for two years, and I never even new that message existed. I've never run make cleandepend. That's not to say it might not be a good idea---I'm no expert on the internals of the system----I'm just saying that if it were an actual problem, I would think I would have encountered it by now. :P
The output the OP is referring to is from config(8):
root@molly:/usr/src/sys/amd64/conf # config GENERIC
Kernel build directory is ../compile/GENERIC
Don't forget to do ``make cleandepend && make depend''
This is an OLD way of building and configuring the kernel. You shouldn't be doing this anymore at all. It used to be mentioned in the handbook. But since you shouldn't be doing this any way, it's not mentioned in a recent copy of the handbook.