Solved M.2 hat support on r-pi 5

Just became aware of the m.2 hat for the R-Pi 5 ... Anyone know yet if it is properly supported by FreeBSD 14.1? Or should I wait for a later release to spend my money?

Straight thought don't matter.
Is there a PCIe bus driver for broadcom BCM2712 on FreeBSD? That should be your question.
A quick pciconf -lv should show a root bridge if you have PCIe.

Rock4C:~ # pciconf -lv
pcib1@pci0:0:0:0:    class=0x060400 rev=0x00 hdr=0x01 vendor=0x1d87 device=0x0100 subvendor=0x0000 subdevice=0x0000
    vendor     = 'Rockchip Electronics Co., Ltd'
    device     = 'RK3399 PCI Express Root Port'
    class      = bridge
    subclass   = PCI-PCI
nvme0@pci0:1:0:0:    class=0x010802 rev=0x01 hdr=0x00 vendor=0x1344 device=0x5410 subvendor=0x1344 subdevice=0x0100
    vendor     = 'Micron Technology Inc'
    device     = '2200S NVMe SSD'
    class      = mass storage
    subclass   = NVM
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Just saw the responses to my request ... been down for maintenance ( emergency surgery ) for a few days. Soon as I recover a little more I will pursue this a bit further. I do see that the Pimoroni offering does support 2280 form factor AND it mounts underneath the r-pi board so as to interfere less with cooling. Both good attributes in my mind. The suggestion by Phishfry to run pciconf is a good one. Also edkII is a viable matter ... I am using it for other matters on a R-Pi 4 quite successfully, and so it may be a good fallback. More to come a little later ...

Whole thing is a) a lot of work ... as in monkey business; b) rather shaky when it does work; c)NVMe seems to be mostly in name only at this time. All this leads me to the conclusion that it isn't ready for prime time yet. I will probably try again when another release or two comes out and see if it improves.

Good catch, 6502, I had not thought about that as a possibility, but I am looking into it. Now all I need is to find a supplier that has some in stock ... Oh, well ... I guess patience is a virtue, after all. I shall investigate more fully when I can get my hands on one. :)

Once again the forum has paid its way ... 6502, your suggestion of the CM4 has led me to a much more elegant solution to a design problem I have been wrestling with for several weeks. I knew I should have looked at these modules when I first became aware of them, but passed them off as too much for what I was doing at the time. Now the CM4 provides a wonderfully simple solution for today's problem and hopefully will also solve the storage issue that led me here. I have a module on back order so it may take a while before I get to deal with the real thing, but I sure do have my hopes up.

Thanks again for a VERY helpful suggestion 6502!!

Sincerely QG