LXDE LXDE localization

Good day.

How to setup localization in LXDE?

If you run LXDE through startx and .xinitrc - then all good.

If you run LXDE through login screen Display manager - then language system and applications remains English.
But locale output ru_RU.

What do you advise?
Pointed out in /etc/login.conf for all users of the system for localization:
russian|Russian Users Accounts:\
cap_mkdb /etc/login.conf run.
checked for user class - russian.

Nothing changed after logging in via login screen Display manager - language system and applications remains English.
And in general it was already locale output ru_RU..
(with LightDM) using .xprofil:
There is an typo, it should be ~/.xprofile . Setting export LANG=ru_RU.UTF-8 is sufficient.

If you want the Greeter to have russian as well edit /usr/local/share/xgreeters/lightdm-gtk-greeter.desktop , change



Exec=env LANGUAGE=ru lightdm-gtk-greeter
LC_ALL is an environment variable that overrides all of these. It is typically used in scripts that run particular programs. For example, configure scripts generated by GNU autoconf use LC_ALL to make sure that the configuration tests don’t operate in locale dependent ways.

Some systems, unfortunately, set LC_ALL in /etc/profile or in similar initialization files. As a user, you therefore have to unset this variable if you want to set LANG and optionally some of the other LC_xxx variables.

To give you an example, I like to have the LANG set to en_US.UTF-8 but set LC_TIME to en_GB.UTF-8 and LC_MONETARY to nl_NL.UTF-8. Because I want the original English language but a DD/MM/YYYY date (instead of the US MM/DD/YYYY) and I want commas, dots and the euro symbol ( ¤ 1.000,00 ) for monetary values. You can't do that if LC_ALL is set.