low space on /home partition

Since it's in the home directories only you can tell which files can be deleted.
A good starting point is searching for files bigger than X (for example 100 Mb):
% find /home -type f -size +100M

or file older than N days (for example 30 days):
% find /home -type f -mtime +30

But none of us knows what you have on your /home partition.

If this is a multi user system, you have two ways:
- the safest (but slowest) way is to ask the other users to delete something
- the fastest (and funniest) way is using the two previous find(1) commands and delete without warning �e
Moreover, once you have gained some more space, and assuming this is a multi-user system, you can set up quotas to avoid users consuming all the space the system has.