Your question sparked my curiosity, so I did a little searching ...
It seems that FreeBSD does not figure heavily into embedded, depending upon your definition of "embedded."
So, traditionally, an embedded device for a toaster would be a very tiny MCU powered device. Such a device might be an 8 or 16 bit MCU, with no MMU, something that follows from the scarcity of memory - which may be only 2KB - which is too low to run any high level OS, including Linux or FreeBSD. Such a device is probably on bare metal, or a primitive scheduler "RTOS". Slightly more powerful devices (with more memory) may run one of the popular RTOS systems like FreeRTOS.
Higher powered (relatively speaking) 32 bit MCU devices have been around for a while. Examples are the STM32 and PIC32 series of MCUs. The STM32* MCUs can run Linux after it's been patched with a (ucLinux) series of patches so that it can be used with MMU-less micro-controllers. An STM32* MCU may have 256K RAM, and larger flash memory. For perhaps some applications, it'd be plenty fast.
On the other end of the spectrum: recently, someone shoe-horned LInux to run on an 8 bit, 16k SRAM, 24 MHz Atmega1284, using 16 MB extension memory SIMMs. After typing a command, it took a minute to get the response!
There's no project (like ucLInux) to make any of the BSDs run on MMU-less MCUs. Thus, the only "embedded" type of devices you'll find FreeBSD running on are CPU type devices that are found on the more powerful (ARM, x86, MIPS, etc) boards. MIPS based boards are often found in network devices. The definition of "embedded" has been changing to include these latter devices. For instance, FreeBSD can run on a Pi, and it's conceivable that recently designed applicances could use a similar board. "Embedded" simply means that the processor is "part of another containing system" - such as an applicance, and is typically keyboardless or user input-less.
Right now, I doubt if there are any FreeBSD refrigerators. I know there are Linux controlled refrigerators. But, a few years from now ... who knows?