Solved LibreOffice - Impress

Does audio work at all? I mean are other applications using sound correctly?
Yes, audio works except in Impress. I had almost the same installed ports on FreeBSD 11.2 and I didn't have problem. What I remember I had more gstreamer plugins but which? Who knows.
Thank you.
I use Beamer (texlive, with pdflatex). I produced much more beautiful slides.
However no sound, but speech counts.
I use Beamer (texlive, with pdflatex). I produced much more beautiful slides.
However no sound, but speech counts.
I have to use Beamer and pdflatex for my work but I have some presentations made wit Powerpoint and are important for me other I do not use Impress.
I installed more "gstreamer1 plugins" and it works. Which one is related to Impress I do not know, sorry.
I have a problem with sound in Impress.
Media playback used to be java media framework based and I believe required advanced java options. A quick websearch suggests that gstreamer, at least in linux, may be an alternative configuration option. My quick scan of the FreeBSD libreoffice Makefile showed java options but no mention of gstreamer.
When I install LibreOffice it install also openjdk, gstreamer1 and gstreamer1-plugins. But sound I’m Impress didn’t work.