Lesser known programming languages

I always wanted to use SNOBOL, because it had interesting pattern-matching facilities. It was possible to get a 9-track tape for the mainframe for just the cost of copying. Unfortunately, I never had enough time on the mainframe I was working on to play with it.

Regarding LISP: a variant, AUTOLISP, is the scripting language for AUTOCAD and its work-alike, Draftsight. (LibreCAD uses Lua instead.) I would not have thought that would have been a favored language for engineers and draftsmen, but they loved the HP-35 calculator, with its Reverse Polish Notation, so maybe so.
A long time ago I used a PL called ACE (or AKI) -- AutoCode for Engineers (автокод инженера or something like it) -- ran on Minsk-II. May be ex-USSR BSDers know it? [This was for a class in the days when I wanted nothing to do with computers! I vaguely recall it was a bit like Basic.]

At one point I knew PL/I inside out but that was a long time ago as well. Now a days I use c, c++, go, k, scheme, sh, v etc. V because it is a lot like go and compiles itself in a second or two and has some features I wanted in go.
I used PL/I in my daily work in the days when it was not a 'lesser known programming language' (1982-1990, EC 1022 - aka IBM System/360). ;)
I used it a lot at General Motors in the '70s. Apparently they were the biggest user, because when I told colleagues that I coded PL/I for a living, they would say "Oh, you work for GM?"
FORTRAN for non-number-crunchers (on non super computers)?
New versions of Fortran (Fortran 90 and above) have become quite nice. It is no longer fixed format, and it has OO stuff if you need it, and builtin support for complex numbers and matrices. As they say, "It's not your grandfather's FORTRAN."

(Trivia note: As of Fortran 90, the name was officially changed from uppercase to Pascal case.)
New versions of Fortran (Fortran 90 and above) have become quite nice. It is no longer fixed format, and it has OO stuff if you need it, and builtin support for complex numbers and matrices. As they say, "It's not your grandfather's FORTRAN."

(Trivia note: As of Fortran 90, the name was officially changed from uppercase to Pascal case.)
I heard of it, and also heard that VAX FORTRAN Plus had some supports for structured programming. But at the time I was forced to write non-number-cruncher codes was FORTRAN77, as it was the only compiler available on the environment😭.
I don't want such a situations anymore.
It made me think that most suitable language should always be used, caes by case, and to achieve it, objects generated by any compilers should be sanely linked against codes generated with any other languages available on the same system.