Dear community,
I have a Lenovo Laptop T470 which runs FreeBSD-13,2p3-RELEASE. The device has a row of function keys F1 to F12. With an additional simultaneous Fn key press they provide special functions as XF86AudioRaiseVolume, XF86MonBrightnessDown, XF86Favorites and more. The default FreeBSD setup supports the XF86Audio* keys but nothing more. With xev(1) no reaction on the other special function keys can be detected. On Debian Bookworm all keys are supported, I think due to a thinkpad_acpi.ko module which is not available in the FreeBSD-13.2p3-RELEASE setup.
I have found information about a acpi_ibm module which does not change the behaviour. Loading acpi_video enables the XF86MonBrightnessUp and XF86MonBrightnessDown keys. In contrast to the XF86Audio* keys they trigger the backlight control somehow by incrementing or decrementing the brightness in steps of one.
Currently I use the window manager x11-wm/awesome with lua scripts to react on the special function keys. In case of the brightness it is unfortunate if it is controlled by awesome lua scripts and in parallel by other software. It does not work well. I have not found out how the brightness keys trigger the activity of the backlight control. This ends up in a few questions.
Is the activity of the special function keys configurable or is it hard coded? For example in acpi_video.ko?
If it can be configured somehow, how to do so?
Is there any other option to enable the special function keys?
I can map functions as the brightness control to other keys as F11 or F12. On a different laptop I have misused XF86AudioPrev and XF86AudioNext. But it would be nice to have the same key assignment on all installations.
Kind regards,
I have a Lenovo Laptop T470 which runs FreeBSD-13,2p3-RELEASE. The device has a row of function keys F1 to F12. With an additional simultaneous Fn key press they provide special functions as XF86AudioRaiseVolume, XF86MonBrightnessDown, XF86Favorites and more. The default FreeBSD setup supports the XF86Audio* keys but nothing more. With xev(1) no reaction on the other special function keys can be detected. On Debian Bookworm all keys are supported, I think due to a thinkpad_acpi.ko module which is not available in the FreeBSD-13.2p3-RELEASE setup.
I have found information about a acpi_ibm module which does not change the behaviour. Loading acpi_video enables the XF86MonBrightnessUp and XF86MonBrightnessDown keys. In contrast to the XF86Audio* keys they trigger the backlight control somehow by incrementing or decrementing the brightness in steps of one.
Currently I use the window manager x11-wm/awesome with lua scripts to react on the special function keys. In case of the brightness it is unfortunate if it is controlled by awesome lua scripts and in parallel by other software. It does not work well. I have not found out how the brightness keys trigger the activity of the backlight control. This ends up in a few questions.
Is the activity of the special function keys configurable or is it hard coded? For example in acpi_video.ko?
If it can be configured somehow, how to do so?
Is there any other option to enable the special function keys?
I can map functions as the brightness control to other keys as F11 or F12. On a different laptop I have misused XF86AudioPrev and XF86AudioNext. But it would be nice to have the same key assignment on all installations.
Kind regards,